chapter 31

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Quinn's POV

It had been a week since she had told me what happened to her and I never felt closer to her, we had been talking about our future together and what that might look like. I was worried that after we were going to have this conversation that it would destroy her but I had to tell her, I needed to tell her that I was moving in a month to Vancouver for good. I watch as she sleeps right next to me, her chest rising and falling and her steady heartbeat. She was an angel, my angel. Jack, Luke, and my parents already knew what was going to happen and they were letting me keep the secret so I could tell her myself. She was moving on to college after graduation so I knew that it would be even more difficult for the both of us as I knew how much schooling takes up time. The closest team I would be playing was in Detroit which is close but if she wanted to visit me it would be over a 10-hour flight. I didn't want me to hold her back from her dreams but I knew from the conversations we had had that I was a part of that. 

"Lee," I said as I shook her shoulder to wake her up, she rolled over now facing me smiling. "New nickname? I like it." She said as she laughed, I nodded, not saying a word making her expression turn into a concerning state. "We have to talk, it's eating me alive that I haven't told you and everyone promised me that they wouldn't tell you so before I start crying, I am just going to rip the bandaid off. I am moving to Vancouver in a month for good, I am not coming back. My contract is for a couple of years. I am signing a long-term lease with my apartment and will be there for the time of my contract with the Canucks." I said as a tear fell from the rim of my eyes. She reached her hand up to wipe my tears as she placed a kiss on my nose. "I already knew that this was going to happen one day, it's a little earlier than I thought but I knew Quinn, I will be there for you and with you until you don't want me to be." She whispered making my heartbeat decrease. "I love you Quinn and I will not let you ever think otherwise." I placed a kiss on her lips as I pulled her body on top of mine, she squeeze her arms around my torso, holding me as tight as she could. "I promise, we will make this work. I'll come and spend time with you on my time off and I will get to see you when I play the red wings, I'll make sure you get the best seats in the whole arena so I can see you every time I score a goal, I promise everything to you Wesley." At this point she was crying into my shirt, I knew because I could feel my shirt getting wetter by the second. I lifted her head up with my hands making her look into my eyes. I could get lost in her eyes forever and ever, they were beautiful and golden brown. After about a half-hour both of us got tired of being tired and sad. We got up and put on our shoes, going for a walk under the stars, it was peaceful just her and I. She was going to be graduating soon and I would be leaving, she would be going to college and perusing her dream and I would do the same but in the end, I knew it would be us together and I dreamed about that day. We walked for hours, sometimes talking, others times were just small talk but as it almost turned midnight, I walked her back to her small yellow house only a few doors down. I walked her onto the white porch and watched as she went inside after I placed a strong kiss on her small lips. 

Happy double update!!! Sorry, the chapters were a little late and this one is short but I am working 60+ hours a week between two jobs to make money for an apartment and college tuition next year! See you soon!!!!  

I wanna get to know you guys better and interact more as I see my favorite authors do!!!  Question: Where do you guys live?  I live in Minnesota, USA!!



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