chapter 35

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Quinn's POV

I knew I had wanted to marry her since the day I saw her in Jack's bed sleeping. I loved her when we were young and then I fell in love years later. I want a life with her forever and always. For her to be my wife and the mother of my children. I wanted to be able to look up into the stands at Rogers Arena and see her waving at me, watching me play the sport I love but that was number two on my list of loves, she was number one. She was everything my mom hoped for me, for a future wife. My dad told me he knew she would be my future since we were kids.  My friends knew she was the one for me when they first met her. Elias loved her as a sister and Brock did too even though they had just met her recently. It was now Christmas break, she had finished her first semester finals and I had a small break from hockey, I had flown back to Michigan to celebrate Christmas with her and my family, that was where it was going to begin. 

Step one, I need approval. I knew deep down that she would want him to give the blessing for me to ask her to be my wife. He was her rock for so many years and they loved each other despite their history like a sister. I had to ask Jack. Her dad was never in the picture since she was born and I had no intent to contact him because he was no type of father to her. I was nervous to ask, not because I thought he would say no but because I knew this was going to shock him and make him get anxious because deep down, I knew he didn't want to let her go just yet but he knew this day was coming. 

I called Jack into my bedroom, my palms sweaty and clammy. "What's up?" he asked as he entered my room. "Close the door," I responded. He looked at me with a confused look as he closed it and sat in my chair. "Jack, you know I love Wesley so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with her." He started to smile and tear up when I further explained our relationship. Now the question is the second most important question of my life. "Jack, will you give me the blessing to marry your best friend?" I croaked out as I looked up at him and before I knew what was fully going on, Jack was pulling me into a hug. "Quinn I couldn't think of anyone else better for her, yes I give you my blessing." I smiled, "But you guys are so young and have so much to do with your life, why now?" He asked. "Because why not. I have known for forever that I wanted to and is there ever a wrong time to propose to someone you love?" He shook his head in response.  There was a knock on the door, my finger came up to my mouth telling him to be quiet and not to say anything. My hand reached the door knob, turning it and opening it to see Luke who looked rather curious about what was going on. Closed doors weren't normal for our family unless there was a girlfriend over. "Hey?" He said looking at me confused once he saw Jack. "Come in and shut up," Jack said laughing. I pulled Luke into my room and pushed him on the bed. "Now Luke don't be a big mouth and tell anyone because I know you and how you have a hard time keeping secrets," I said. "I do not have a big mouth shut up Quinn and Jack stop laughing." He said angrily and smacked Jack's chest making him stop laughing. "You can't tell anyone, not even mom or dad but I am going to ask Wes to be my wife," I said. He got up and started jumping up and down like a kid when they see candy in someone's hand. "Oh my god! It's happening people, it's happening!" He squealed making Jack smack his hand over his mouth. "You can't say anything Luke I swear, this needs to be perfect. I want it to be perfect for her." I said. After an hour or so of talking about Wes and life in general, they left me by myself to think.  

Step two, pick out a ring. I had gone to the store a couple of days ago to pick it up. She was simple, she didn't want anything too flashy and nothing big. The night I told her I wanted to marry her when she was in the shower, I grabbed her phone and went through to try to figure out the ring she wanted to be on her finger forever.  I stalked her Pinterest board which I knew she had and it gave me tons of ideas. The one that I would show her as I was down on one knee. A small silver pear diamond engagement ring. It was beautiful and dainty. I had engraved 'Q & W' on the inside of it. I put it in a small black box and set it inside my hockey merch drawer where I knew she would never go. 

Step three, find the perfect place. As cheesy as it sounds I knew the dinner we drank milkshakes as a kid would be the ideal place. I knew I should bring her back to where it all started. I had hired a photographer to capture the moment, she was going to be across the room with her camera so it wouldn't look suspicious.  

Step four, get ready for this and make sure she was ready, so my mom took her and one of her friends to get their nails done.  She texted me that she was going to be with my mom since my mom had told her she needed "girl time" since there was a house full of boys and she was tired of it. Then I started getting ready, I bought a suit a while back to prepare for this day. I had gotten a haircut recently so I did not have to worry about horrible hair. My suit was blue with a floral tie and matching socks. 

"Bring Wes to the old diner when we got the milkshakes as a kid. Also, make her get a nice dress, it's on me, I put my debit card in her wallet before she left." I texted my mom. I hadn't told my parents of anything yet but I knew my mom suspected something was up since she didn't question me when I asked her to take Wes.  

Step five, make it happen. The day was starting to end when I got the text that they were done and going to start heading towards the diner. I heard a ping from my phone, "thank you for the dress and nails, your mom is bringing me and my friend to the diner. I will be home as soon as I can. We need to have alone time to cuddle and maybe something else." She sent with a winky face which made me laugh. I got in my car, making sure that I looked good and had the ring in my pocket. The drive felt forever which made me fidgety as I was stuck in my car alone just thinking over everything and what to say. I replied all of what I was going to say to her a million times. I had called the diner ahead of time to get the booth we had sat in years ago where the famous picture of us was taken drinking milkshakes while it was snowing outside. As I parked my car, I was so nervous I tripped up the steps to the door. Get it together Quinn. 

"Quinn what is going on," She asked as she looked at me with my suit on and a milkshake with two straws on the table. Her eyes filled with tears as I stood up from the table and held her small hands in my shaking hands. "Wes, I have loved you since I was a kid, ever since I saw you in Jack's bed and I fall even more in love with you every time I see you. I want to grow old together and have children of our own, travel the world together, and see you happy for the rest of my life. You make me cherish every second of the day. I love you because you make me laugh when I needed it most. I love you because you inspire me to be a better person. I love you because you are extremely patient with me during my lowest point. I love you because I know you'll also be a great mother to our children someday. I love you because you have dreams and you're not afraid to go after them. I love you because you dare to be yourself and own who you are. I love you because of how the light shines each morning together. I love you because of how comfortable silence can be, with you. Wesley Anne Brookes, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife, will you marry me?" I said as I was down on one knee in the place where all this started years ago. My body was shaking and so was hers as her hand reached out to mine. "Yes, one hundred percent yes, I will be your wife." She said as I stood up, holding her in my arms as we both cried into each other, our bodies separated as our lips connected. 

I can't believe it is finally happening! I am crying while writing this chapter because I know whoever Quinn marries (in real life) will be with the best person in the world and he will go to every extent in life to make sure she is loved and she knows she is loved every day! 



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