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My sister was mind-blowingly beautiful in purple.

The gown she chose for her suitor's dinner was of another world. It glistened a deep purple, sparkles in every inch. It sat neatly against her dark shoulders and hung perfectly on her hips to the floor. Mother had it specially made for this event, and it showed. She looked like a goddess. These men wouldn't know what hit them.

Servants poked and pricked at any imperfections on her beautiful face. I was genuinely blown away by my sister's perfection. Even before the servants did her makeup, she had skin that was glowing and clear. Her hair was tied up into a gorgeous heap of curls and loops. Her beauty was not to be taken lightly.

I was not as extraordinarily dressed. It wasn't my night to shine after all. I had a simple, red, floor-length gown. It had long sleeves to combat the growingly cold temperature of the End. My hair was down, pinned up only in a few spots and my face was lightly dusted with makeup. I was only there to project the perfect image of unity in our family.

"Do you know what Akkar is preparing for this evening? I would simply pass out if I had to eat something that wasn't delicate," my sister said with an obvious look of fear in her eyes. She was under much more pressure with the prospect of this marriage building an allyship. This wouldn't simply be the kindest and best-looking Enderman.

"He's doing something simple. He is trying to make most of the food Chorus Fruit-based, to show off our native food. No worries my dear sister," I said wrapping my arms around her shoulders. The servants were not thankful for my sudden interruption of their work. "You will blow all of these human men away. I assure you."

"I've never met a human outside of Father," she said looking up at me. "Do you think they will be kind to us?"

"They will be so blown away by how incredible you look, there is nothing they will even have to say," I said looking at her with a goofy smile. She rolled her eyes, obviously not soothed by my joking attitude.

"Great. So awkward silence with a bunch of men who will potentially be my life partner. How could this go any better?" She said putting her worried expression into the palms of her hands. I smiled at her, she really was worried for nothing.

"Don't think of this as the beginning of your trapped life in a marriage, it's the next step to you taking over as Queen. The first step to you enacting your own policies and running the entire dimension," I said pulling away after the servants were nearly glaring daggers into me.

"That is if I find my own policies that don't already fall in line with Mother's. She's an incredible leader. It almost seems silly for me to take over so soon," she said showing her true cards. I am surprised she was showing them so freely in front of the servants. This was typically a conversation that took place when I dragged her out to the courtyard.

"You know you will do well, my dear Lavinia," I said sitting in a chair near her own. I grabbed her hand, and she gripped it tightly in her own. She was nervous, but I knew better than to think this exterior will vanish when placed in front of others. "Tell me what you think you will do first when you take over."

"This falls somewhat in line with what Mother is doing with this whole Overworld suitor thing but I do like the idea of expansion. The End has lived in solitude for a long time. Other dimensions fear us due to our long reputation with the Dragon. Reaching out to the Nether may be a nice next step. If this Overworld thing goes well that is," she said returning back to her nervous demeanor. "Look out dear sister. Mother might be hooking you up with a Ghast boy as we speak!"

I felt sadness for my dear sister, she was under a tremendous amount of pressure. She would be the second ruler to ever grace the End and was following in some rather large footsteps. I was never envious of my older sister for her position, but I truly wasn't right now.

"Ladies," I heard a familiar voice say when the door opened. "Your Mother has asked me to retrieve you both personally for the dinner. The guests will be arriving momentarily."

My sister stood up and looked as brave as one could before meeting the person they would spend their life with. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 - [Technoblade x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now