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At this rate, I was going to be nothing but a complete and total embarrassment to the royal family.

Alethea had been at this for hours with me. Trying to teach me the ways to respond to certain members of different noble houses and more importantly, teaching what NOT to say in order to stay in their good graces. As the days grew closer and the fortress became busier in preparation for the ball, I had become unbelievably nervous about the whole event.

Not only would I be meeting families and species I had never met before that held incredible importance to the royal family, I had to act like a true couple with Technoblade for the first time. I was aware that this would be the beginning of the rest of my life, but we would find a groove after some time of how we wanted to present our relationship. This would be our first ever attempt.

I had to worry about not only keeping myself from embarrassing King Erix and Prince Technoblade, but I had to think about my own family's image. They likely did not have a perfect image of the End and everything that my family had created. It felt like my duty to ensure that I showed the royalty that was the End.

That was not only insanely nerve-wracking, but it was costing me so much time and energy trying to figure out of the Nether's formalities without making a fool out of myself. I hadn't been the sibling trained in foreign diplomacy. Feeling lost might be an understatement.

I had been dismissed from dinner by my own request to King Erix to allow for more preparation time with Alethea. Though now I was desperate for a break. It felt like insanity to be at this for this long, but I wanted to be prepared. I wanted to make my family proud of me.

"Alethea I swear if I can't remember the name of the Ghast family's son again I'm going to absolutely lose my mind," I said throwing my head in my hands once again. We sat in the courtyard, and I had taken my shoes off to try and make myself more comfortable. The red grass felt surprisingly cool between my toes, but it wasn't even remotely enjoyable with this weight over my head.

"I know there are a lot of members of the Magma family, and it can get confusing, but maybe you'll just get lucky and only talk to the Wither Skeleton family? You remembered their names almost immediately!" She was definitely trying her best to ensure that I felt like I wasn't completely failing, but it was not working whatsoever. This felt like a lost cause. My brain was a puddle of fatigue and I could barely process the new information she kept giving me.

"Can you send for dinner? Maybe food will freshen up my brain's ability to comprehend the complex family trees of an endless list of noble families," I said trying to smile my way into earning a bit of a break. She furrowed her eyebrows before rising from her seated position.

"Fine, but after you eat, we'll be doing the Nether Waltz, and you'll wish we kept talking about the many sons of noble lords," she said with a teasing smile. I looked down, frustrated that this work would never end. All I could think about was the sleep I would get after this ball was over.

I sat for a few minutes, waiting for Alethea to return with dinner. I had my forehead resting on the knees pulled close to my chest. I hadn't ever really noticed the smell of the Nether before. I would never get used to the heat that radiated off of everything all of the time, but the Courtyard smelled and felt so nice. I actually felt myself relaxing a bit when I heard Alethea return.

"Look who I found along the way! Already bringing you dinner!" Alethea said with a suggestive tone in her voice. When I looked up, I saw Technoblade holding a tray of food in his hands.

"I thought you might be hungry after working on this all day," he said setting down the food and taking a step back. "I'll leave you to your studying."

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 - [Technoblade x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now