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I had managed to keep the outbursts at bay after snapping at Alethea. I forced Techno out of my brain and had breakfast with my friend as normal. We spent the morning sharing our food and giggling about silly palace gossip. I would have never guessed when I met Alethea that she would be such a gossip.

"You know that girl I was telling you about? The one that was flirting with me over the bread I chose for breakfast?" She said popping a berry into her mouth. Alethea was not only a gossip, but a total flirt. It didn't surprise me at all that Ishton had fallen into her trap, she was good at what she did.

"How could I forget? You raved about her eyes for like 45 minutes," I said with a quiet laugh. I adored Alethea, but hearing her rave about another feature about the kitchen staff girl for an hour might be my last straw this morning.

"She actually asked to do something tonight. I'm not sure if I'll actually do it. I thought we just had banter, it wasn't love at first sight," she said with a longing look on her face. I couldn't help the giggle that rose out of me.

"You are quite the romantic for someone who enjoys flirting the way that you do," I said taking a bite of the food she had brought. She scowled at me before pinching my hand that reached for the berries she was devouring. I had lost my breakfast to her, it seemed.

She rambled on for a few minutes about how she hadn't really seen a relationship with this kitchen girl but she should maybe give it a chance if she ever hoped to find love. I listened as best as I could with the weight of my restless couch sleep began to settle in. She didn't seem to mind though, she continued on with what she wanted to say.

"(Y/N)!" I heard the all too familiar voice of Ishton ring through my room as he opened the door. He was nearly as bad as Alethea with not minding barging into my rooms. "You have some things to explain to me!"

"I don't owe you anything you nasty thing!" I said with a smile. He found my eyes and gave a fake offended expression. Alethea groaned but rose from her spot. She crossed the room and muttered something about not having the energy to deal with Ishton today. She closed the door behind her, leaving a smirking Ishton in my room.

"Would you have anything to do with why Techno arrived at breakfast late in yesterday's attire?" He said as he wandered into the seat Alethea was previously occupying. "Or why he came from this side of the palace, not from our wing?"

"How can you even tell if he's wearing the same clothes as yesterday? He wears the same outfit every day," I said with a laugh. I'm not sure there was a way to avoid Ishton knowing. He was the younger sibling, it's what we did.

"Oh please, he's not one to wear his clothes to bed and not change before breakfast. He's much too afraid of Father to do that if it weren't an accident. That's far more likely from me," he said gesturing to himself. Although he looked extremely put together today. Like he might have taken some glow from looking better than Techno in front of their father.

"I don't think I can avoid the fact that you know he was here, so I'm not even going to try," I said taking a drink of the tea that came with breakfast. "He came by last night and we fell asleep talking. It's nothing scandalous. If that's what you were hoping for."

"Well, I always hope for a little scandal," he said picking up where Alethea left off with the berries. "But it would hardly be scandalous if my brother was spending the night with his betrothed. It would be strangely normal actually."

I laughed at his comment and sunk into my couch cushions. I didn't think I would be grateful for Ishton's company, but he was actually very light-hearted. Our conversation didn't seem weighted, and he never seemed to judge anything.

"Did Alethea freak out? She wants you two together desperately. She might write a book on your romantic life," he said with my favorite dorky smile on his face. I slapped his arm at his joke, but I wasn't entirely convinced he wasn't wrong.

"She did freak out. And then I sorta snapped at her," I said running a guilty hand down my face. I didn't like thinking about the hurt expression on her face after I said what I did. I knew she had been taken aback, even if she bounced back.

"I'd pay to see you irritated. Like genuinely. You're too nice for your own good, (Y/N)," Ishton said looking at me skeptically. He was horribly good at teasing me. Even if it was for being too nice somehow. "I'm sure she's over it. She knows you aren't like every other rich snob. She won't hold it against you."

"Thank you, Ishton. I appreciate you saying that," I said shooting a genuine smile his way. He seemed a little uncomfortable with the sentiment but smiled back nonetheless. He didn't seem to get complimented enough. Maybe I could change that for him.

"On a strangely serious note, I'm glad you're the one our father sold Techno's hand in marriage to. Growing up, Techno and I always joked about how one day a wicked lady would come into our home and never leave, but I would hardly call you wicked. Maybe wickedly sweet, but by no means a bad person," he didn't make eye contact as he spoke his kind words to me. He wouldn't love what I wanted to do at his words.

I practically tackled Ishton in a tight hug before he could jump out of the way. He groaned loudly but gave in without too much resistance. He patted the arms around his body and I think might have even been smiling. Soon to be my brother-in-law, but even sooner one of my friends.

"I hope that you and Techno can find some sort of love for each other. You two truly deserve to be happy," he said almost too quiet. I barely heard his words as I pulled away, but tried not to tease him too harshly for his compliments. I knew if I teased him too hard now, he wouldn't do it again.

"Princess (Y/N)," I heard Alethea say after the door opened briefly. "Prince Technoblade is here with some urgent message."

"Let him in," I said sitting up straighter on the couch. He was back already?

He swept into the room with a confused look on his face upon realizing Ishton was here. I heard Ishton stand from his seat on the couch next to me. Likely uncomfortable at his brother's confused face.

"I suppose that is my cue to leave," Ishton said with an awkward laugh. I smiled at him kindly, but as he turned toward the door, Techno grabbed his arm to stop him. To say Ishton looked confused would be an understatement.

"No, stay. This is a serious matter. We should all be here," he said looking back to Alethea in the doorway. She looked startled, but stepped in and closed the door behind her. His serious tone was worrying us all.

"What's going on, Techno?" I asked rising from my spot on the couch. He looked at me with a pain in his face, one that only worried me further.

"Father heard word from his contacts in the Overworld. One of the noble families is furious your sister hasn't decided who she is to marry. He is marched on the End as we speak." 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 - [Technoblade x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now