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Once I had woken up, the alcohol was out of my system and I felt insanely aware of what happened between Technoblade and I last night. I was incredibly embarrassed by the boldness I had last night, and although I felt like we really bonded, it felt like we had crossed a line in our agreed-upon marriage rules.

The worst part about this whole thing is the fact that I sincerely enjoyed our time in the Warped Forest so much. I wanted so desperately to go back to laying under the shroomlights with him. I wanted to feel the warmth of his body next to me and I wanted to fall asleep to the sound of his voice.

He had even carried me back to my rooms. Instead of waking me up to walk back to my rooms, two flights of stairs and a tight passage away, he had lifted me up in his strong arms and made sure I made it safely to my bed.

Oh my god. Alethea was here last night. I am not going to hear the end of this. So on top of having experienced this night outside of what we had agreed upon, we were also going to be known by Alethea. If I hadn't already wanted to lay in bed all day and ignore what happened, I did more now.

I wasn't sure how to proceed with this new event in our history. I had been a little buzzed and riding the high of last night's victorious ball. I should have just returned to bed after the party last night. I should have not crossed our boundaries.

But I had wanted to. At the core of this problem, I had WANTED to spend my night with Techno alone in the Warped Forest. I didn't exactly know what that meant, but I definitely know that it didn't mean that I hated him the way I had when I first arrived here.

What if Techno hadn't wanted to go? What if I had forced his hand and he now resented me more than he had before. I mean it wasn't impossible. We had a good time at the ball, but we HAD to. We had to put on a show. Everyone had to believe it was true.

My mind took me to the letters that Aeden had mentioned. Did he have to tell him he thought I was beautiful? I mean that may have been to sell our marriage, but it was his best friend. He likely could have been honest with him. Maybe it was just the hopeful parts of me that hoped he had meant what he told Aeden.

I rolled around in my silk sheets, trying to find the position that made me feel the most invisible. I had never felt like this before. With Akkar, it had always been easy. We didn't question the way we felt, we just felt it. With Techno, it felt like I had to navigate so many different possibilities. It felt so much more weighted and so much more important.

We may have been betrothed, but this new potential revelation was so much more confusing than our agreed-upon rules.

"(Y/N)! You only have a few hours before dinner! You should get up and get washed up," Alethea's voice rang through my door. God, could she have better timing?

"I don't feel so good!" I sang back to her. I swear I could have heard her giggle quietly. "Check with me in an hour about going to dinner!"

"King Erix won't appreciate your absence. I'm sure he wanted to praise you for your performance last night! Everyone says you did incredible if that helps your ailing sickness at all," she said smuggly. She knew what was really wrong, but I refused to give in to her actually very kind words.

I didn't bother to answer her, I knew she would continue to push, and I knew that if I kept talking to her then she would win. So I stayed silent, rolled over, and tried to pretend that I could get some sleep to forget about yesterday. I failed miserably, but it was worth a shot.

It wasn't long before Alethea was back at my door, telling me that I would need to get up now if I were to bathe and get dressed before dinner. I tried my best to ignore her and pretend that I was sleeping but she sadly knew me better than that, and was already asking for me to open the door.

"If you don't let me in, I'm just going to come in. That's what happens when you became my friend and not just the member of the royal family I'm in charge of. So stop whining, because I'm coming in," and she proved true on her words, because before I could even respond, she was entering my dark room, bringing in light with her that I did not appreciate.

"Go away!" I yelled dramatically upon her entry. She rolled her eyes and flipped the lights on. This only backfired for her, I just sunk deeper into my blankets at the sudden blinding lights.

"I don't know what happened between you and Techno last night, but if you have no intentions of attending dinner, just tell me so I can save my breath," she said sinking in next to me in bed. I couldn't help but laugh, she truly was my best friend.

"I have no intentions of attending dinner tonight," I said pulling my blankets down just past my eyes. She laughed slightly at me before standing up. I suddenly wished for her company back, it was actually kindly distracting.

"I will let the staff know you aren't feeling great after last night's festivities. Then I will be back, and I expect you to indulge me on what happened between you and the prince last night," she said with purpose. She had more confidence than me. Maybe she should be the true royal.

She was gone quickly, and she had failed to turn the lights off and let me sink back into my comfortable darkness. I was in my nightgown, and now I was suddenly hopeful that she was the one who changed me out of my dress last night and it wasn't Techno, or else he broke more of our rules than I had. 


Hey everyone! I hope everyone is loving the story so far! I absolutely adore this story and I love writing it dearly. 

That being said, I'm curious what peoples opinions are of Ishton and Alethea! I have written original characters before, but these two have my heart and I've wanted to see if anyone else has strong opinions of them! Good or bad, I'd just love to hear what everyone thinks. 

Thank you for continuing to love my story! I appreciate all of you so much! 

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