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"This is an absolute disaster, (Y/N)! Why is no one in this fortress competent!" Alethea said as she paced through my room dramatically. I couldn't even seem to calm my own nerves about the day, let alone take on Alethea's stress, but I tried my best to smile and nod as though I was listening to her.

It had been two months since the battle in the End. Since the day that Techno and I confessed the way we felt for each other in the Warped forest. Since then, it has been a flurry of wedding planning and sneaking off to the Warped forest to find some alone time whenever we could.

Our relationship has bloomed into something so beautiful and I cherished what we had built with each other so deeply. Alethea was over the moon when I told her of what happened between us that day in the forest. She actually told Ishton before she even really talked to me about it more. They had rekindled their own friendship and had become the fortress's famous gossips.

"Or are you just nervous to see Lavinia again after all this time writing to one another?" I asked with a smirk as she passed back by me. My sister and Alethea had actually become quite serious. Even if she hadn't told Mother yet. At least she hadn't mentioned it in her letters to me.

"Well, of course I'm nervous to see Lavinia again but I'm also worried that the wedding of the century is going to turn into a disaster, (Y/N)," she said running her hands down her face in a very overly dramatic fashion.

In truth to myself, I could marry Techno in the slummiest corner of the world and I would be happy, but I knew that everyone was awaiting this wedding with great excitement. After this wedding, it would only be a few days until our coronation and we would take over as King and Queen of the Nether.

That thought alone was much scarier than the idea of today's wedding, but we had to make it through this hurdle before we thought of the coronation. Before we thought of everything we hoped to make happen in this dimension.

"Where is my sister! She needs me!" I heard a very commanding voice ring through the corridor outside my rooms. My sister had a new glow about her since she took over as Queen last month. One that told everyone to let her get what she wanted. So I knew what to expect when my door swung open dramatically.

"Lavinia could you try to not scare the staff?" I said with a light giggle as she looked around the room. Her eyes locked on Alethea, and I think that Alethea might have forgotten how to move. In fairness to her, she had little time to prepare to see my sister.

"Hello, Alethea," she said with so much affection in her voice it caused a very genuine smile to reach across my lips. I heard Alethea exhale a large breath next to me, but she smiled.

"Okay you two are going to be what gets me through this day so please wait to make out until Techno and I are already wed," I said looking back and forth between them. They both laughed somewhat awkwardly but spun into motion. "Where's Mother?"

"Meeting with King Erix. I'm unsure why, but you know Mother. Always a hidden agenda," she said as she walked over to me and gave me a tight hug. I smiled against her dress, trying my best not to cry on her gown.

"Let's get you ready for a wedding!" Alethea said as she began her flurry of activity once again. I was so grateful to have these two with me today. Even if they were already giving each other longing looks.

The next few hours were filled with Alethea running errands around the castle while Lavinia helped other maids pin my hair into a gorgeous updo of curls and loops. Lavinia insisted that she knew looked best in my hair and she needed to have the final say on everything, and I was suddenly very grateful that she was only staying for the wedding because my staff already seemed sick of her.

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