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After the conversation with Technoblade, I spent very little time out of my rooms. I would attend the mandatory dinners, and I would force Alethea to sit with me in my parlor and try to get her to ease up to me. I was getting closer and closer to being her friend every day. She couldn't resist my charm.

I felt incredibly out of place at the fortress. I stuck out amongst the others, bright silver skin and lavender hair were a contrast to the pink of the piglin. There weren't many other species at the palace, other than some servants who seemed to be the same species as Alethea.

When I sat at the family dinners, I felt like I was intruding on something private. Ishton and Technoblade would trade turns showing off to their father, and King Erix would approve or disapprove of the work time and time again. I would sit, enjoy my food, then reside in my rooms once again with Alethea.

"May I ask you a question, your highness?" Alethea said as she sat across from me on my couch. I had grown rather fond of her company, and I think she appreciated that Technoblade's betrothed wasn't a horrible person.

"Under one condition," I said, pulling my knees to my chest in excitement. She only indulged in my friendship advances occasionally, and she never began a conversation. "I can ask you a question in return."

"Well it is my duty to answer any questions you have, so I can agree to those terms," she said with a small giggle. I will give her one thing, she is very dedicated to her job. "Why are you so hellbent on making sure we are friends? I've never met a royal who cares desperately to befriend her maid."

"In The End, it's very normal for us to befriend our staff. Our head cook was my best friend. It's lonely to be a royal, and it can be miserable to be staffed by rude and disrespectful people, so we solved both issues with one solution. It's just the way I've always known," telling her felt right. Maybe she had thought I wanted something from her.

"Well, that's a very kind thing to do. Sometimes the Piglin are very cold and closed off to any kindness. I'm sure you've seen it in Prince Technoblade and Prince Ishton," she said resting her head in her hand. I smiled at her, it felt nice to have a friend with me.

"Trust me, I've experienced the cool exterior of both of them. Have they always been like that? I do not envy the maid who was in charge of both of them," I said with a laugh. This caused that genuine but slightly nervous laugh that Alethea always did. "That wasn't my question though! I hope this isn't overstepping, but what species are you? I don't know much about the Nether."

She smiled kindly. The look on her face held something sad though. Something I couldn't quite place, but not a sadness she held towards me. I was genuinely concerned for the look on her face, and hoped I hadn't overstepped by asking her.

"We aren't well documented in history. We're called Zombie Pigmen. We have always been looked down upon. Especially by Piglin. They have always been seen as the better versions of us. Which is why we are the majority of the help," she said sadly. Suddenly I wanted to hurt every person who had made her feel bad for her species.

"I'm sorry Alethea," I said resting my arm on hers. "I hope you know that-"

"Princess!" I heard a voice ring in through the door. When I looked to the door, I saw a smirking Ishton looking at me and Alethea. "Oh hello, Alethea. I wasn't expecting you to be in here."

"Well if I wasn't in here, I'd be stationed at the door stopping you from barging in on our (Y/N) here," she said with a harsh tone. He only smiled before stepping in and closing the door. He walked over and plopped himself in one of the armchairs across from the couch.

I hadn't spoken to Ishton much since we had arrived. He always attended dinners and spoke then, but he was always much too busy pining for his father's attention to speak to me. At the dinners, he had that hard exterior that he had on the way here, but now he had a trickster expression on his face and it made me both relaxed to see him relaxed and nervous as to why he had come here with that grin on his face.

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