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The trip back to the Nether was much slower with Ishton being injured. He would walk as far as he could on his own feet, but it wasn't long until we were all taking turns hauling him through the Overworld.

It was such a change from the first time I made this trip. The first time I made this trip, Ishton was cold and closed off, my heart was heavy, and I was so angry to be going to this fortress. Now I was just grateful I was carrying Ishton alive and breathing rather than his body.

I felt happy to be returning home, even if leaving my sister and mother was hard, leaving on better terms with them both left me feeling lighter. Now I could try to focus on untangling what it was I felt for Techno.

When we walked through the Nether portal, I was hit with a familiar wave of heat. And rather than feeling like the heat was trying to suffocate me, it felt like a welcome home. Everything about the red walls and warm temperatures was making me smile in gratefulness to return to my home.

"I'll have to take Ishton to father and explain where we were. Alethea can help me get him there. I don't want you to see the wrath my father might bring down on us," Techno said looking at me apologetically. It was hard to leave their presence, but I knew this part would come. When I had to just hope that Techno and Ishton wouldn't just be thrown to the wolves.

"Please just try to explain to him that you did this for me, for our alliance, I'm sure it will help," I said when I came up to him. There were so many other things I wanted to tell him. So many things that I didn't have the time, or privacy to do right now. 

"I will find you later."

With that, he was off with Ishton and Alethea to the Throne Room. The idea of being in my rooms alone worried about the brothers was something I couldn't bear, so I knew where I needed to go in order to stay somewhat calm.

The walk to the Warped Forest was beginning to become second nature. I also felt lucky that I didn't see many servants around, because I didn't want the shock of our return. When I walked through the servant's passage, I was practically almost running trying to feel the cool comfort of the Warped Forest.

I took to the same spot that Techno and I had been where I fell asleep, falling into the grass with exhaustion from the last couple of days. Not only had I made a surprise trip home and back and fought a battle, but I had also learned something about my sister and worried with everything that I had for Ishton's wellbeing.

Exhausted may have been putting it mildly.

I spent some time trying to make sense of what had happened in the last day at the End palace. Techno had been jealous of Akkar, which was making my already confusing feelings all that much harder to decipher. And Alethea and Lavinia? They had made promises to write while we all said goodbye. Alethea was commonly a flirt, but she seemed so much more genuine when she spoke to Lavinia.

It felt entirely too short when I heard footsteps approaching from the castle. I looked up from my spot lying on the ground to see a slightly disheveled Technoblade looking at me with his genuine grin. I felt my heart melt at the sight and laid back down before he saw my tinted cheeks.

"I knew you'd be here," he said taking a seat next to me. "You're entirely too predictable, Your Highness."

"What can I say? I like what I like," I said with a shallow laugh. My heart and head felt like a tornado of feelings and confusion. "How did everything with your father go?"

"Better than expected. We got lectured for not taking more forces with us in order to stay safe, and he ridiculed the hell out of Ishton for getting hurt, but he was proud that we stood up for you and your family. Not just for the alliance, but for our marriage," he spoke so quietly. It was somewhat grounding. Like the world closed in and it was just the two of us.

"I'm happy to hear that. Other than Ishton being ridiculed. You'd think that a father would be more grateful when hearing he almost lost his son," I said rather frustrated to be reminded of how the King treated his own two wonderful children.

"I stood up to him."

"What?" I said surprised, looking at him rather than at the glowing canopy of leaves above my head. He smiled to himself, meeting my eyes only after a moment had passed.

"I said precisely what you just did. That he should be grateful that Ishton made it out alive. I think I saw the shock on Ishton's face at my comment. I wish you could have seen it, (Y/N), it was so liberating," he said reaching down to lock my hand in his own. Similar shocks to when we first met shot through me, and it felt like home.

He felt like home.

"I was so scared Ishton wasn't going to make it," I said trying to take my mind off of the realization I just had. "He's become one of my closest friends. I don't know if-"

"I know what you mean," he said with a sad smile on his face. "I was afraid of losing him as well. But I was also deathly afraid of losing you."

"Losing me?" I said almost breathlessly. It felt so tense all of a sudden. When I met his eyes again, they read something so much deeper than I could take in at the moment.

"You've become one of the most important things in my life. Before you, I had no idea that I could rely on someone else. I didn't know that it was possible to care for someone so deeply that wasn't my own family. I had no idea that I could come to care for the person's hand in marriage I was given, and then I was so afraid I was going to lose it in a moment."

"Can I break one of the boundaries we set?" I asked almost inaudibly. He looked confused, but gave a quick nod of his head before I couldn't control myself any longer. My lips met his in an instant.

He was ultimately shocked at first, but he melted into our kiss in a moment. His hand reached to cup my cheek as our lips worked together as if they were made for one another. The sparks that shot through me were unlike any others. He held me as though I was made for him. As though after all of this time, he had found something to cherish, and it was nearly enough to bring tears to my eyes.

I'm unsure how long we sat there, lips locked and inhaling every piece of one another, but when he pulled away, it still felt like not enough time. It still felt like I needed to be closer to him.

"Please continue to break that boundary until the day we die," he whispered against my lips. He should have expected words of such romantic intent would have my lips on his once more.

"To hell with those boundaries, Techno," I giggled once I pulled away once more. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, only erupting more giggles from me.

"Well we are in what most consider hell," he said as he nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck. I pulled my hands up to work them through his inviting pink hair. I felt him release a deep breath at the intimate act.

"This place could never be hell with you here, my prince," I said quietly. He squeezed me in his arms at my proclamation, and I don't think I had ever felt so at home before. 


The moment we've all been waiting for! And get ready for the FINAL CHAPTER next! I love these characters so much, it almost hurts to say the story is almost over. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 - [Technoblade x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now