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"You cannot mean to tell me that you have no feelings for Sir Technoblade after all of this time?" Alethea said as she fussed over my closet. I had never been very good at throwing out old gowns, but the staff always continued to make more. So I told Alethea that she could pick some out to keep.

"He's become a very dear friend, Alethea, but we will wed either way so what does it even matter?" I said trying my best to hide the flush in my cheeks. It was a blessing in disguise that she was in the other room.

"Because," she said sweeping another gown out of the closet to add to her pile. "You are both such darling people and deserve to be happy together!"

"We will be just fine. I'll have you after all!" I said standing up to ambush her. She wasn't one for hugs, but I took the chance to wrap her quickly in an embrace. She squirmed for only a moment before she leaned into me slightly.

"I can't believe I'll be stuck with you until the day I die," she said with a joking smile as I pulled away. I smacked her arm lightly with a fake scoff before returning to my spot on my lounge chair.

Before we could resume our conversation, there was a knock at the door that we immediately opened before Alethea could rush to open it. I knew only one person who would do such a thing, and I was actually grateful for his presence.

"(Y/N)," his voice rang through my rooms as he stepped inside. "The mail courier just arrived and you have a letter from your mother!"

"Did you read it too?" I said to Ishton as he sauntered over with a royal envelope in his hands. He smirked at my comment before dropping it on my lap and sitting next to me. There was hardly enough room on this couch, but he looked so relaxed when he sank into the velvety cushions that I couldn't bear to ask him to move.

I looked over the relaxed looking piglin next to me and felt myself smile to myself. Ishton and I had come to an understanding recently, and having shifted from his hard exterior to someone he could relax around had left a warm feeling in my bones. One that I didn't mind being there.

Ishton and Alethea got into their comfortable bickering as I finally turned my attention to the letter sitting in my lap. My mother's beautiful handwriting stood out on the front of the envelope, and the feeling in my stomach was pure longing for my mother. I had missed her support so much.

I slid a finger until the closed envelope and relished the feeling of the seal popping under my touch. It had been so long since I had spoken to my family, that it felt nearly terrifying to pull the letter from its home. The excitement that I felt to talk to my mother again left me relishing the opportunity to hear from her.

The paper was short, only hardly reaching a page long, but was filled with words that had no doubt been placed by my mother. I felt my hand begin to shake slightly, all the comfort that I had felt here suddenly felt like a betrayal. I should be missing my family, wishing I could be with them again.

But when I looked up at Ishton and Alethea arguing over something silly, it was hard to not feel I may have found the people I truly did belong with. They had become my home in the last couple of months. Techno included, even if that was a messy relationship as well. Either way, the letter in front of me was catching my attention.

Dear my darling (Y/N),

I hope that all is well. I know that when you left, things were a little rocky so I just want you to know that we miss you very much. Lavinia won't say it, but I know she misses you dearly my love.

Lavinia has continued to try to find an Overworld suitor she deems worthy. It's been an endless line of men with egos much too high. I really hope that all is going better in the Nether. King Erix has always been kind to our dimension, so I hope that he is treating you well.

I also hope that Prince Technoblade is everything we hoped he would be for you. I know you weren't happy with this arrangement, but I truly hope you are happy now. I miss seeing your face every day, and those piglin better be grateful they get to see it when they wake up. You are truly an incredible young woman, (Y/N). I truly hope you never forget that.

I don't have long before I must meet with Akkar for dinner plans for Lavinia's newest suitor meeting. Akkar misses you, but I will say he is much more productive now that you aren't here distracting him. You have always been my troublemaker. I miss you terribly, darling. I will have to coordinate a pre-wedding meal with our families so that I can see you.

I will send a letter when we decide on your sister's new husband. I hope to hear from you before then though. I just want to know that you are okay.

I love you, my darling. Until I see you next.

-Queen Elora

The letter had made me tear up slightly, and I tried to wipe them away quietly before Ishton noticed and teased me for it. The tears burned the tops of my cheeks and I hissed quietly at the feeling. I hadn't even thought much of my family in the last week.

"Are you alright?" Ishton said looking up at me from his spot next to me. I tried to smile, but the burning lingered even after I had wiped the tears away. My eyes shut, trying to will the pain away.

"I don't know how much you know about Endermen, but water burns our skin," I said once the pain subsided enough to look up at him. Alethea had set the gowns down and come over in worry. I suppose I didn't downplay it nearly enough. They both looked struck with confusion and concern.

"Did someone die?" Alethea said quietly.

"Alethea!" Ishton said in shock. "You don't just ask stuff like that!"

"No one died," I said with a quiet laugh. They knew how to break me out of my sadness, that was for sure. "I just got a letter from my mom. I haven't heard from her since I arrived here. It was just a lot, that's all."

Alethea came over and hugged me, which caused Ishton's dramatic self to pull away. Alethea smirked before grabbing him and pulling him into our hug. He groaned, but I could see out of the corner of my eye that he had a smile playing at his lips as he wrapped his arms around us.

Sinking into their embrace was easy, and I knew at that moment that even though I missed my family terribly, I had one here. These two had become very important to me, and leaving my family behind had been worth it to meet these two. 

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