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I had never walked through the End portal. In all of my time alive, I had never ventured beyond the End.

The Overworld was odd. It had so many colors and so much light, it nearly made my eyes hurt looking out into the world around me. I wanted to grab Ishton and let him guide me to the Nether, where I hoped the colors would be less vibrant. It would feel nothing like home.

"So you're a prince then," I said, trying to spark up a conversation with my guide as he helped us navigate our way through the Overworld pathes. I assume the Nether portal wasn't far. Or at least I hoped that was the case.

He had become much quieter and much less charming once we were out of the eyes of my family. Was this the reality that I was going to face living amongst people who weren't my own kind? My silver skin stuck out amongst the group of pink colored men around me.

"Yes. Unfortunately not the one you will be marrying though. Techno is a very... how do I put it? Closed off? Guarded? I sincerely hope you have what it takes to break through his tough exterior," he spoke of him jokingly. I wasn't sure if this was a message of warning, or humor. He seemed light hearted, so it made me think he was laughing at the path in front of me. "He's my older brother."

"Very reassuring. Thank you Ishton," I said as my eyes stuck the dirt beneath my feet. At least the brown (I think it was brown) of the dirt didn't overwhelm my eyes the way that the trees and sky did. The temperature was also higher than I liked, but I knew the Nether would be no better.

"That's Prince Ishton to you," he said, coming back with the cool tone he had begun to use towards me. I took that as my signal to be quiet for the rest of the walk to the portal. It wasn't long though, before we reached a purple portal.

Ishton took my hand and guided me through the portal. I would almost think it kind for him to help me through, but I knew better. This was his duty, and he didn't want to disappoint his father.

The heat wave that hit me as I arrived through the portal was nearly suffocating. I had never felt temperatures this hot in my entire life. The End was known for a much cooler climate. We all wore long sleeves and long skirts. Here I wasn't sure I could keep up that tradition without burning up.

Ishton could see the discomfort on my face with the heat and laughed slightly. I hoped that not every Piglin I would meet would have the same amusement at my discomfort. After his laugh escaped his lips, King Erix rounded the corner into the foyer of their own castle. Although I think Ishton said they called it a fortress.

At least the colors of the Nether were less blinding than of the Overworld. The red bricks that created the walls were dark, and all I could see was something called Netherrack out the windows. I think if I looked down it would be a lava pool. Nothing to worry about, just don't trip out of a window.

"Princess (Y/N)!" I heard the King say as he approached. I smiled at him, trying to ignore how hot I felt under the long sleeves of my gown. He grabbed my hand, kissing the knuckles as he had done many times in the End. It must be customary in the Nether.

"It's so lovely finally being here with you all," I said bowing slightly to him. He smiled in approval before looking at Ishton and excusing him with a nod of his head. The King stuck an arm as an invitation and I wrapped my own through his.

Walking through the fortress was not what I had expected. The hallways felt like a maze, and the red was very drowning. It felt like I was already sinking in the lava pools below me, and no one here would help me.

"My son Ishton can be rather rebellious," he said as we walked towards nowhere. He hadn't mentioned where we would be going, which was somewhat nerve racking. "I hope he didn't give you much trouble."

"He was just fine, thank you," I said, trying to ignore the cool attitude he had given me a few times. He was just a boy trying to do right by his father. I didn't need to give him a reason to hate me. I could use any ally I could find.

"I'm happy to hear that," he said with a kind smile. Ishton must just be alone in his sarcastic comments. King Erix had been nothing but kind to me. "I'm going to have you meet Technoblade briefly before taking you to your apartments and introducing you to your head servant."

I was meeting Technoblade today? Suddenly any minor nerves I was feeling about being here skyrocketed. I had heard almost nothing of the man I would marry, other than what Ishton told me. My heart was beating so quickly I almost couldn't breathe.

"Lovely," I croaked out quietly. The King hummed a response before approaching a door. I had no idea what to expect on the other side, but I was ready for it to be over. Maybe I would black out and this could be pushed out a day. Maybe that was a bit hopeful.

He opened the doors slowly, only pushing out the terrifying process. The room seemed empty until I saw him.

He sat at a table, surrounded by papers and deep in thought. He seemed to barely notice the door open, as he didn't look up until his father coughed to get his attention. When he looked up I nearly stopped breathing.

Whether it was from the nerves or the fact that he was incredibly attractive I could not say. He looked a lot like Ishton, and nothing like his father. He had a human-like nose, the complete opposite of his father's snout. His hair was cut shorter to his head than Ishton, laying fluffed against his head. It was shorter on the sides, which caused the top to fluff out in every direction. His ears were just like Ishton's, piglike but not to a fault.

His build was not something to go unnoticed. He had broad shoulders, although covered by the same cloak his father wore. He wore a white shirt with ruffles at the collar. How he wore a long sleeve shirt in the Nether baffled me, but he looked handsome doing it.

His jaw was sharp and his face perfectly proportioned. His tusks poked up just barely, even less than Ishton's. He was by far the most attractive Piglin I had ever seen. I still was baffled by how much his appearance didn't match his fathers.

His eyes looked into my own and showed almost no emotion. Maybe irritation. I'm not entirely sure why, other than the fact that we interrupted what he seemed to be in the middle of.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess," he said standing from his seat. He was mind blowingly tall. Endermen were tall, so by no means was I short but he still towered over me with ease. His words held no emotion. Nothing but what he needed to show for his father to not scold him, I presume.

"Likewise, Sir Technoblade," he nodded politely before coming over. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles the way his father had done. What was different from when King Erix had done it is the spark-like feeling that shot up my arm at the contact.

"You two will spend breakfast together tomorrow morning to get to know each other. For now, I must take Miss (Y/N) to meet Alethea," King Erix said, dismissing Techno to return to his work. He nodded slightly and gave me a tight grin before returning to his work.

The walk to my apartments was quiet, which I was thankful for. I needed time to comprehend what had just happened. He was by no means an unattractive man, but there was this cold exterior to him that was off putting. I suppose that Ishton hadn't been messing with me earlier.

"This is your room, Miss (Y/N)," King Erix said as we approached two grand doors. A petite looking woman stood to the side of the doors with a kind smile on her face. She didn't look much like Techno, Ishton, or Erix. She had piglin traits, but parts of her skin looked undead. "And this is Alethea."

"Pleasure to meet you, my lady," she said as she bowed politely. She seemed kind enough, which I was grateful for as I would likely be seeing her often.

"You as well," I said, nodding my head in a kind gesture. She smiled and looked down to her feet. It was obvious the servants and guard here weren't as close with their royal family, as they rarely made eye contact.

"I will leave you to settle in then!" The King said, turning his attention towards me. "Ishton's guards will bring your bags soon so you can unpack what you need. Feel free to relax tonight. Dinner will be brought to your room and you will have breakfast with Techno tomorrow morning in our private meal suite."

Tomorrow morning? That was in nearly no time. There went any chance for a restful night's sleep after my long journey here. All I will be thinking about is how that meal will go.

"I will be looking forward to it!" 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 - [Technoblade x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now