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Lavinia was in danger? I was trying to comprehend what was happening as I heard Ishton and Alethea asking Techno questions about what he had just told us. They wished to attack my sister just because she couldn't pick a suitor? What vile things.

"We need to go help her," I said between their quiet arguing. "They'll kill them. We hardly have an army, and they are barely trained. They need help."

I looked to Techno, hoping desperately that he would agree. He had a grim look on his face, but he was calculating. I could see his gears working behind that beautiful solemn face. I started to panic. Would he leave them to die?

I felt gentle, but firm hands on my shoulders, and they shook me out of the panicked trance I was in.

"Ishton!" Alethea said shoving him away from me gently. "Maybe a gentler approach next time."

"Let's go, Techno. You and I know enough about fighting to at least defend the End. Even if it's ugly, they need help," Ishton said with irritation plainly written on his expression. I thought he might hit Techno if he didn't say anything.

"Father will know we left the second we go through the portal," he said quietly. He was still calculating. I looked at him, trying desperately to convey the worry I had in my heart for my family. I hoped we had developed enough of a relationship these past few weeks that he would help. He was our best hope.

"We're going with or without you, Techno," Alethea said linking arms with me and Ishton. I nearly started crying at how these two were willing to help me. I was so lucky to have met them. "We will stay in the End if King Erix won't allow us back here. We aren't going to leave (Y/N)'s family to die."

"I understand," I said stepping in front of Techno. There was so much conflict on his face, it almost made me tear up. "I understand if you can't come. I won't be upset with you. I understand if the fear of your father keeps you from going, but I am going to help my family."

His eyes met mine and I saw him make a decision solely by the look on his face. He smiled softly at me before he looked up at Ishton and Alethea behind us. He nodded his head slightly.

"Ishton, come with me to my room. We'll need weapons and armor. Alethea and (Y/N), change into some easier clothes to fight in. We will bring weapons for you both. Meet at the portal in 10," Techno said walking to the door of my room. Ishton smiled brightly and followed after him.

Alethea quickly ran to my closet, changing out of our thick dresses and into the only pairs of pants and tunics I had. They were padded leather, and surprisingly easy to move in. It's like they were made for fighting.

"If something happens to us," Alethea said to me as we stopped at my door. "I want you to know that you have completely changed my life. You have been an incredible friend to me, and I appreciate you more than you know."

"Alethea, stop. We're going to make it out of this," I said trying to ignore the worry growing in my heart for my friends. I knew there was a chance that this could go horribly. I knew we were risking our lives going to the End. I would protect this newfound family with everything I had.

She smiled at me softly before she opened the door to the hallway. Luckily she was the only servant assigned to me at this hour, so we were able to sneak through the hallways with ease. We saw the boys at the portal, strapped head to toe in armor and weapons. A glowing blue sword was strapped to Techno's hip.

"Let's go before someone sees us, we can sort through weapons and stuff in the Overworld," Techno said as he began to step through the portal. Speed was of the essence in this situation.

Techno and Ishton divided up the weapons they had brought from the Nether. Ishton was strapped with daggers, claiming he was better with less weight. Techno carried his sword along with a couple of daggers. Alethea was given two daggers that she hastily strapped to her hips.

They all explained their training and their strengths and weaknesses. Where they may need help and backup and where they could step up to help us. Ishton and Techno had lots of fighting training under their belt, and Alethea had been trained with some basic skills as she was assigned to a royal family member.

I didn't have an extensive list of training, but I had made Akkar spar with swords all my life. I had always enjoyed the beauty of swords, so I was grateful that Techno had grabbed me an enchanted diamond sword like his own to wield. It was likely one of the best weapons for my skill set.

"Are you okay?" Techno said as we made our way across the Overworld. I had strapped my sword to my hip and a dagger to my calf and since then, I hadn't said much to my friends. I was worried for Lavinia, for my mother, for Akkar. I hoped we could make it in time.

"I mean, as ready as anyone could be in this situation," I said trying to laugh off the nerves deep in my stomach. He gave me a soft smile before he reached down and interlaced our fingers. It was strangely grounding, and I enjoyed every bit of it.

"We are going to keep them safe, (Y/N). It's going to be okay," he said with a soft smile. I wish it wasn't so bright in the Overworld so that I could take all of his beauty in. There was a voice deep in me that wanted to kiss him.

"We're here," Ishton said as we arrived at the staircase that led to the End Portal. His face was worked into a face of determination that I had never seen on his face. He was focused, and alert. It was quite a dramatic difference from his normally calm, sly personality.

Techno squeezed my hand tighter, easing the building nerves about going back to the End. I was generally worried about this fight that was about to ensue, but I knew there was a quiet lulling worry about seeing my sister again. A worry about seeing them all again. It had been months since I had seen my family, and now I was doing it to protect them.

We descended the staircase in stunned quiet. There were no words to prepare for the battle about to occur. We were about to be faced with enemies none of us had ever met, and some of us may not come back through this portal.

I banished the thoughts from my head as we arrived at the portal. Even the thrum of power riddling off of the portal felt like home. It called to a part of me that I had forgotten was even there. A part of me I had tried to turn off in the Nether.

We all approached the portal at once, and I hadn't noticed that my hand had become fairly clammy in the hand of Techno. When I looked at him, he was smiling at me so softly, so full of compassion and something else. Something else I didn't have the time to think about right now.

We all gripped each other's hands, and we jumped in. The time between dimensions was brief before we were on the other side. Back in the cool embrace of the void. And when I saw the palace laid out in front of me, I nearly felt a sob rip its way through me.

"Welcome to the End," was I could mutter before I released their hands and stormed to the throne room. 

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙞𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙣 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 - [Technoblade x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now