...Fire bees

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Your POV
"Y/N, you don't have to. I can just hit them with a more powerful spell or a bigger blast, be faster. You don't have to worry about it, I can handle it." Hunter pleaded. "It's just some fire bees." I chuckled, "I'm sure I can handle it."

Hunter POV
She was probably right but the thought of her getting hurt made me sick to my stomach and my palms sweat. "I don't want you to get hurt." I groaned feeling the blush fall over my face as I said it. "And what if I say I won't get hurt?" She teased. "What happens when you do?" I looked into her eyes. "I won't." She flashed a grin before jumping off the steps, "You got this!" She shouted to me. "That's not what I'm worried about.." I grumbled. She jumped towards the fire bees and when they saw her and started to swarm towards her she cartwheeled to the side and when I saw her face she was smirking. "Told you I had it!" She shouted turning to look at me. "Turn around!!" I screamed as the bees started to close in on her. The light of the fire shone against her dress and face causing my heart beat to speed up. "Now!" She shouted as she slid sideways out of the way but they moved in on her, I couldn't get a clear shot without a chance of hitting her.

Your POV
"Shit." I grimaced as another opportunity to hit the bees was missed because they moved too quickly. I shot some shining white beams towards them as they moved closer to me but they managed to move out of the way while still getting closer until they were a mere foot away from me. I could feel the heat of the fire on my skin. I jumped to the side flipping to the side over them before creating a spell circle trying to trap them but they quickly darted at my face suddenly my shoulder was burning, I let out a blood curdling scream as I felt the heat spread across my shoulder. I felt sparks of pain erupt across my entire body, stings across my ankles, neck, back and collarbone. Suddenly I saw Hunter diving from above onto the bees with a white glow trailing behind him as he dove to the fire bees using his staff. In an instant the threat of the fire bees had been eradicated as they were laying on the floor, dead as if they had only been simple flies.

Hunter POV
"Y/N.." I whispered as I examined the pink and red skin on her shoulder. "I said- I said-" I managed to choke out while watching her. "I wanted to protect you." I regained my composure. "I'm fine." She whimpered as I gently placed a finger on the skin and I saw her grimace as I did. I quickly pulled the finger away as I saw her yelp. "You're injured." I stated. Belos had the equivalent of a nurse's office I could take her there. As I looked at her closely, inspecting her injuries I realized the bees hadn't just gotten her shoulder. I saw splotches of red splattered across her ankles, arms and neck. There was a splotch on her leg larger than the others that was also darker than the others. "That looks painful." I said gently touching it and watching to see if she expressed any pain. She pulled her ankle back and her expression changed, biting the inside of her cheek.

Your POV
"Come on, let's get you help. Quickly. He commanded. "I told you, I'm fine. I'd rather spend time with you anyway." I winked. "We can hang out anytime but I don't want you to be in pain while we do." He groaned. "If you say so Golden Boy." I shrugged. He blushed a little at the nick name but didn't say anything.

Hunter POV
We started to walk back towards the entrance of the castle but I quickly noticed Y/N was limping. "Y/N?" I asked. "Yeah?" She replied. "Do you mind if I..?" I droned off realizing what i was asking. "If you..?" She looked confused. "Your leg is hurt, let me.. let me carry you." I tried to seem confident but the thought of it made my heart race. "carry me?" she paused. "it's not good to use an injured leg." I tried to shrug it off.

Your POV
I worried he would drop me before remembering he is THE Golden Guard, he is kind of known for being strong. He probably lifts weights heavier than me for his daily strength training. "Okay." I accepted. He reached for my legs, lifting me into the air and I winced as he touched one of the larger burns but he quickly noticed and readjusted his hand.  He laid me back so he was carrying me bridal style and carefully placed a hands on the back of my calves watching for burns while wrapped the other carefully against my back. He grunted quietly while walking up the steps, it just got more impressive when he managed to remove his hand from my back and lean me against his chest while pulling the door to the castle open.

Hunter POV
We slipped into the castle, obviously there were still guards but since the ball was over the security was way more relaxed now plus, I'm allowed to sneak around. The only reason for not being supposed to leave the ball earlier was politeness. The doctor's was near Belos' room for obvious reasons so I walked down the hallway until I was slipping around the corner and ran right into..

Your POV
That guard Hunter had posted on his Penstagram!! "Hunter, where have you been?" Belos is fussing up a storm about you not- Ah is this the girlfriend I've been hearing all the fuss about?" He had a friendly voice and his face was covered but was still not very intimidating. "Yes Mr Castro, this is my Girlfriend, Y/N." He didn't make eye contact with either of us as he said it, casually looking below Mr. Castro's eyes.

Hunter POV
"She's very pretty Hunter, you best be taking good care of her. Suppose you are though, carrying her through the castle halls." He announced with a hearty chuckle. "Of course Mr. Castro." I replied trying not to get anymore embarrassed. "We really must be going though, Y/N and I had an unfortunate encounter with some fire bees outside so we must go to get her burns treated." I said glumly. "You two be sure to come see me soon, Hunter you know where to find me." Mr Castro said as we began to walk off. "That's the guard from your instagram." Said Y/N. "Yeah, he's pretty cool huh?" I asked. "Pretty cool." She smiled.

Your POV
I fit into Hunter's arms comfortably even as he had to avoid touching the many burns on my body, as if his arms were made for me to be here. We walked past a door that was cracked a smidge and we heard two voices from inside "Let's listen." I whispered to Hunter and he rolled his eyes but stayed regardless. We stood outside the door until one of the voices piped up "Perhaps he ran off with that girl.." A flowery voice almost like a teacher sneered.

Hunter POV
Kikimora, Kikimora was gossiping about me to Uncle Belos. I heard the snap of one of Belos' curse's vines as well as a shriek from Kiki and a thud as she, I assume jumped back to get out of the way. "My apologies Emperor Belos, I won't let it happen again." "We gotta go." I whispered to Y/N carefully into her ear. She nodded nervously as we continued down the hall.

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now