Portal mishaps

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Your POV
"You never mentioned swimming last night." I stated. "I didn't?" He asked playfully. "You did really good." I smiled at him cheerfully. It was about five by now. Suddenly Hunter ducked under water, it had been a few moments and he hadn't come back up. I looked at him curiously as he prodded around at the rocks beneath us. After a few more seconds he came back up with his hand in front of him, a small rock, a crystal my orange one sat a top his palm.

"This rock was pretty, I thought you'd like it so I went and grabbed it for you." He said picking at his cuticles. "It's really nice, I like it." He looked a lot less stressed after I said that,"I didn't know you were a big fan of rocks." I teased him. He rolled his eyes, "Just looked like something you would like."

Hunter POV
Suddenly a drop of acid landed on my shoulder, I rubbed my shoulder feeling the sting. "We need to head out now!" I called out feeling another drop roll down my bicep. "Y/N, portal please?" I looked at her. "I've never done this with quite so many people but I'll try." She said nervously before quickly spinning up a large spell circle.

I watched as she formed the portal before pulling us in, she didn't look through before dragging us in though. I hit the carpeted ground with a thud as Edric fell on top of me and Emira fell to the side. Y/N gad already pulled herself off the ground examining the room. "This isn't my house." Y/N groaned. "Where are we?" Edric chirped up. "Good question." She replied.

Your POV
"I did say I wasn't used to bringing so many people through." I said while picking at my lip. "It's fine." Hunter sighed. "Maybe you can try again Y/N?" Emira asked looking at me hopefully before Hunter spoke up, "If she couldn't the first time, it'll only overwork her. We'll just find out where we are and see if we can walk home. Or if we figure out where we are, I can fly us home." "Okay." Emira agreed.

Hunter POV
I looked around the room for any sign of where we were but it just looked like an old storage room, it was dark and dusty. Suddenly I spotted a glimmering door knob in the darkness, I slowly twisted the door open holding my staff in case of any issues. Once the door was open I realized, it was just.. some gift shop in town?

How'd we end up here? "It should be easy to get home from here," I cracked a smile. "Or not?" A mysterious voice laughed. Suddenly walked out a lanky blonde guy with white eyes, his pale skin glowed in the darkness. "What do you want?" I asked defensively. "Not much.. just you to stay here so I can send Emperor Belos for his little Golden Guard and the Golden Guard's little princess." He said with an evil looking smile.

Your POV
Why does everyone keep calling me that? I frowned as I observed the man. He wore a suit and tie that was tailored to his long and thin figure. "Belos and I aren't on the best terms right now anyway, he probably wouldn't pay." Hunter shrugged. "Then I guess I'll just kill the four of you." The guy replied as if it was a reasonable thing to say. He drew a knife from his hip. He dove towards Hunter aiming to strike him but Hunter used his staff to summon a shield causing the man to be knocked back a few feet.

The guy smiled mischievously before moving his attention to you, quickly sending a rope spell which pinned Hunter to the wall. He couldn't reach his staff that sat a few feet away and he didn't do anything. "Do something!" Emira shouted but he just frowned. She groaned in realization, "The staff, you need it don't you?" He nodded with a frown. Emira dove towards the staff while the guy aimed his knife.

It was pointed at my neck and he was flying towards me, I couldn't move until suddenly Edric pushed me out of the way pushing the guy to the floor. "Hey man, screw you." Edric called out while fighting with the guy to keep him down.

I looked over to see Emira toss Hunter the staff, he smiled gripping it and aiming towards the guy. "Edric move!" He shouted, Ed jumped out of the way before Hunter sent a net flying around the man. "Let's get out of here, fast." I urged. "Yeah." Hunter agreed. "Definitely." Edric added.

Hunter POV
I used my staff to burn the lock off the door pushing it open. We were on the dim street of the town, most of the crowd had gone home already. A few stray people roamed the street but not many. An older woman with a grey bob and a black dress that touched the floor around her looked us over as we passed. She looked as if she might say something but decided against it and hurried off.

Your POV
That was the worst magic mishap I'd had. I'd almost died. "Sorry." I said with my head down. "What are you talking about? I got to be, a total hero." Edric exclaimed. Emira just laughed as well, Hunter smiled. None of them seemed mad. "You're not mad?" I asked watching their expression.

Hunter POV
"You did say that you weren't sure you could do it, and we pushed you to do it anyway." I reassured her. "Yeah, it's not like you wanted to get us trapped there." Edric shrugged. "Yeah, it's not your fault." Emira laughed. "So Hunter, you flying?" Y/N smiled.

Your POV
"Love to." He grinned. We all hopped onto the staff, Hunter sat at the front and I put my hands onto his shoulders. "Can't wait to finally get back." Edric groaned. "Agreed." I breathed heavily. The wind blew through my hair and the cool air touched my skin. The sun was starting to set by now, the stars above us as we flew home. Emira tightened her grip around my stomach as the broom buckled against a strong gust of wind.

Hunter POV
I felt Y/N lean in to my shoulder more before hearing soft grunts. She was asleep. "Emira?" I asked. "Yeah?" "Make sure she doesn't fall please." "Already the plan." She laughed. "You know I've been taking care of her since before you came along." "Sorry." "mhm." We landed in Y/N's front yard with a thud. Y/N slowly lifted her head off my shoulder. I took her arm over my shoulder helping her up the steps to the front porch.

Your POV
I was sleepily awake until Hunter tapped me, "hm?" I groaned. "Key?" He asked quietly. I took the key out of my pocket, waking myself up before opening the door. I pushed the door open before bringing everyone in, it wasn't too late but I guess the long day made me tired. "Hammock?" I asked. "Yeah." Hunter sighed. "Sure." Edric agreed.

We slipped out the back door into the backyard until we reached the second door. I quickly unlatched it before letting everyone out. I laid back on the hammock gazing at the stars with my arms outstretched for a moment before compressing so everyone else could join in. Em and Ed threw themselves down next to me on one side, Ed's knee was pressed against my leg.

Hunter laid down on my other side, much more carefully. The twins rocked the hammock as they laughed, joked and just did general Blight Twins activities and I slid toward Hunter until I was practically laying on his chest.

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat