She's back

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Hunter POV
Everyone moved around the lake happily, as we got closer faces came into view. Smiles, laughter. We landed and as we did a familiar face ran up to us, not looking so happy a girl with blonde hair that rushed down her back in waves and shiny blue eyes. "Babe~ Why are you with this girl?" She whined. It was the girl with the purple dress from the ball. She wore a red bikini as she reached out and held onto my forearm. I pushed her off my arm, taking a step back.

Emira groaned before turning to us, pretending the girl wasn't there, "Let's go have some fun." She grinned. "That works with me." Y/N said with gritted teeth, sending a glare towards the girl as she sent the broom home through a portal. The girl grabbed Y/N's shoulder harshly before I could manage to swat her hand away.

Your POV
I turned around, being face to face with the girl, "What?" I snapped. An evil-looking grin spread across her face before she reached out and slapped me across my face, which caused the three people around me to SNAP.

Edric and Hunter stepped forward on either side of me, scarily calm, Emira on the other hand burst in front of me. Standing strong, looking down at the girl as if she was dirt off the bottom of her shoe. I grinned slightly, I felt a little bit powerful watching her bite her lip in fear of the powerful trio she had just messed with.

Hunter and Edric moved in a little closer, each with an arm on my shoulder. Emira leaned down closer to the girl, "Hm?" Emira taunted. The girl stumbled back, "Speak up." Hunter teased leaning in from my side. "Come on, what happened to that confidence earlier?" Edric added slyly.

Hunter POV
The girl looked nervous, her face was flushed and she chewed on her lip. She didn't make eye contact, her eyes flicked between the four of us, but only our chins or foreheads. She refused to make eye contact as she did. "Something wrong?" Emira smirked.

Your POV
Her eyes reached mine, a pathetic look, like she wanted me to save her from my protective entourage. "Don't look at me like that." I felt a smile pull at my lips. "Come on, talk to us." Edric purred. "Yeah wasn't this your dream? You were practically throwing yourself at me yesterday, now you have nothing to say?" Hunter added.

That earned a laugh from Emira, a smooth, condescending laugh, "Nothing to say?" She added. "Can we go now then?" Emira continued. The girl nodded nervously, allowing us to walk off.

Hunter POV
"Well that was fun." I stretched my arms out on front of me. "Agreed." Emira replied with a wide grin. "So, we going swimming?" Y/N asked. "We gotta leave our stuff with Mittens and the other kids first." Edric laughed.

Your POV
When we got to the picnic table only Willow and Gus were there, "Where's Mittens and Luz?" Em asked. "Off doing coupley stuff, kissing in a canoe maybe?" Gus laughed.

Hunter POV
I sat down before Emira laughed, "Whatcha doing?" "Sitting down?" I questioned. "We're going swimming." Edric added. "Drop your stuff, let's go!" Y/N exclaimed. I pulled my shirt off, over my shoulders.

Your POV
I glanced over at Hunter, admiring his stunning physique. "Y/N." Emira snapped me out of my trance. "Sorry." I said pulling off my cover up, I noticed Hunter's gaze on me before quickly looking away once I had the shirt pulled off my head. "See something you like?" I teased. He smiled but didn't say anything, I did notice his cheeks tint a warm pink color.

Hunter POV
"Hunter, this is your chance to show off your skills." Y/N cooed. "Love to." "Em!" A mysterious voice called out from in the lake, I turned to see a girl our age with brown hair. "Viney!" Emira called out after her. "This is definitely more people than you said." Y/N sighed, jabbing Emira in the shoulder.

Your POV
Viney waved us over, she was leaned against the shore of the lake. "You're here!" She smiled, I knew it was meant for Emira but I smiled back politely.

Hunter POV
"Jerbo." A boy with scruffy brown hair that reached his neck said, looking to me. "Gol- Hunter, Hunter." "Nice to meet you."

Your POV
Emira sunk into Viney's arms happily. I suddenly felt a little out for place, I'd met Viney's friends but I wasn't close with them, Jerbo, and.. Barcus. "Have you guys been here a while?" I asked trying to make small talk.

"Not too long, few hours maybe." Jerbo responded, making no attempt to continue the conversation. Suddenly Viney looked at me, "What happened?" She asked, sounding very concerned. "What?" "Your face, it's all red on your cheek." "Some girl is like, super obsessed with Hunter over here." I said throwing my arm around his shoulder, "And she wasn't too happy to see me with him and uhh, yeah."

"Oh. Are you okay? I'm a healer, you know?" "I'm okay, it's not a big deal." I shrugged. "Plus, Em here made sure she wouldn't bother me ever again." I smiled nodding to Emira. "Hey, what about us?" Edric asked stepping toward Hunter. "They helped too." I smiled.

Hunter POV
"So, you guys want drinks?" Jerbo asked. "Sodas and Lemonade." He added, nodding to a cooler sitting on the edge of the lake behind him. "Pass me a coke?" Y/N said. "I'm good." I added. "Sprite for me!" Edric exclaimed. "Emira?" Viney asked. "Lemonade works."

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ