S'more sadness for Edric

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Your POV
I leaned my head on to the log Hunter sat on. "Want me to make it?" Ed asked. "Could you?" I groaned. "Of course." "So, you guys do anything while we were gone?" I inquired. Everyone exchanged glances and I felt like I had just walked in on my friends hanging out after they'd said they had homework. Betrayed.

Finally Edric came right out and said it, "Worry about you two." I felt bad for assuming they had been having a better time without me. "Oh."

Emira POV
"Titan's sake, I can't deal with this anymore. We're best friends, we tell each other everything, right? What happened with you two? You guys had a fight and were gone for like ages, like half an hour or something and now you guys aren't sitting together and Y/N's acting like they just went to a funeral and you guys are pretending it's normal." Y/N watched me with a shocked expression as I spoke before putting their head down.

"You're right. I should've told you." Y/N exhaled hard. "Hunter..?" They looked up, at Hunter. "I couldn't see and I was crying and I couldn't breathe." Hunter admitted. "Y/N helped me through it and they didn't tell anyone because they didn't want to embarrass me. My hearts still pounding to be honest and I don't think having the person my heart beats for too close to me is gonna be great for... that."

Emira POV
"Hunter... I'm so sorry. I didn't know.." "It's fine."

Hunter POV
"Can we just pretend nothing happened? Can we act normal and eat... burnt mar- marshallows- marshmallows with the hard sugar bread and choc- chocolate?" "Speaking of which, Luz provided this food and isn't even here?" Y/N asked.

"Luz and mittens wanted some alooooone time." Edric teased. "Yeah." Emira laughed making kissy faces.

Your POV
Before I even noticed my eyes darted to Hunter when they said that, so quickly no one noticed, or at least I don't think anyone noticed. But I noticed Hunter's expression. The corner of his mouth slightly turned up into a smile, his canine tooth slipped out from under his lip so slightly you wouldn't noticed unless you looked very closely. The light from the fire slid over his face, igniting his magenta eyes, I noticed speckles of yellow and blue in his eyes.

His cheeks were tinted, presumably from the day out in the sun and faded freckles, not painted across his face the way people always describe it in romance novels, rather they were dotted, spaced out as if someone had tried to splatter them across his face but their pen had only worked every, hundredth time.

Hunter POV
I laughed awkwardly as they said the thing about the human and Em- Amity. Y/N's head slid a little bit closer until it was almost touching my knee. "Y/N.." I grumbled. "Hm?" "Why don't you come sit on the log?" I said with my best attempt at a smile.

Your POV
I felt my face explode into a joyful smile. "I thought you'd never ask." I teased. As I sat down next to him, he offered me his hand, slowly, almost like he was still thinking it over. I gave him my hand and he cradled it carefully in his.

Edric POV
I felt my heart tumble around my chest like a pebble getting thrown around the waves of the ocean. I cleared my throat. "So how's the s'more?" "It's really good Ed! Practicing?" Y/N laughed. "Maybe a little." I laughed. Suddenly my heart dropped again, I thought of way back when Y/N used to tease me for burning my marshmallows and maybe weirdly enough.. I had been practicing for her.

Alright, that's the chapter for now! Emira fans, if you guys exist, and Edric fans, get excited! An upcoming chapter will focus on these two a little bit more, with a new skill for one of them and an emotion chat with the other so get excited! Once again I wanna thank you guys for all the sweet comments.

Ukiyo; Living in the moment. (Hunter/Golden guard X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now