Greif is complicated

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"So this is what you came up with?" Sasuke said slightly intrigued. Naruto definitely did them all a favor doing this, making a 'base'. He didn't really realize that they needed something like this, not until the whole barrier thing came up.

Naruto nodded his head quickly, "I plan on painting more seals around here, and to bring sealing scrolls for whatever reason." Shikamaru nodded, his eyes betrayed any feelings that escaped his mouth though.

He has never intentionally had a fight with his father before. The last time he did have a fight, that he can remember, was when his father sacrificed himself during the war.

Courtesy of the Yamanaka clan technique, he was able to talk to his father one last time before he was obliterated by the 10 tails biju's beast bomb.

Shikamaru didn't bother looking for a clean spot to sit, he was tired. His head was in constant overdrive after the fight. Thinking about the fight with his father, how will it change their relationship? Will he forever have an eye on Shikamaru till he graduates? Shikamaru sighed, he really sounded like a kid who never gets in trouble.

Maybe that's what he was.

Naruto frowned at Shikamarus slumped form. "I know we have an important job here, back in the past 'n all, but that doesn't mean we have to worry over every little thing, you know?" Sasuke nodded, Naruto was a key part of this whole operation, but he was definitely the best at moral support.

Which all of them are going to need at one point or another, Sasuke dreads when Naruto will need it.

"Just focus on the view ahead, and make up with your father one way or another." Naruto said with a grin. Shikamaru sighed before shaking his head. "I wish it were that simple." Naruto frowned slightly before shrugging.

"Only so much comforting you can do for a smart person." Sasuke replied with a shrug.

Naruto sighed, "I've been missing for long enough, they'll have squads after me if I don't reappear soon." Sasuke nodded and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Shikamaru, "You should keep your disappearances to a minimum."

It was almost laughable, his slumped form, basically muttering, saying something so serious.

Naruto nodded regardless, "Sure." He shrugged. He stumbled slightly before hopping from tree to tree.

Sasuke crossed his arms, "I plan on being missing for the day, you?" Shikamaru sighed before nodding. "Probably shouldn't. Probably will anyway." Sasuke nodded.

"Let's see if either of us get grounded by the end of the day." Sasuke snickered. Mikoto was no push over, if she was the one worrying over his whereabouts, he'd probably be held close until he graduates.

But it's a risk he's willing to take, to be away from... his family.

"We should stock this place." Shikamaru said looking up. At least he wasn't mumbling to the ground anymore. "Like with seals and scrolls?" Sasuke inquired with a slight grin.

Shikamarus completely right, they should. "But how? We aren't old enough to even buy a kunai without supervision." Sasuke asked as he sat on a nearby rock. "And yet you tell me I'm reckless." Sasuke didn't bother letting Shikamaru respond, the fun will do them some good afterall.

"Are we stealing or are we going to find some money?" Sasuke finally asked as he hopped off the rock. "I have allowance we can use for scrolls, but kunai will be our own individual problem." Shikamaru said looking up. A little disappointed the tree blocked the sky.

"With how early it is in spring I'm shocked how much has already grown." Sasuke muttered, almost every tree was fully sprouted with fresh green leaves, not to mention flowers are already covering every hedge in the village.

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