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"So, we all know all of this should start at Danzo." Shikamaru said crossing his arms. Naruto nodded, "It's better to get rid of any threats of corruption sooner rather than later." Naruto said as he leaned against the trunk of the tree.

Currently it was a few weeks later, Sasuke is still grounded, but with the help of Shikaku, they were able to convince Mikoto to let him hang out. If they had stayed at the house anyway, that wasn't going to happen. So right now, they are in the Forest of Death, in the base Naruto had made.

It's better since the last time they saw it, it has some rugs here and there. They plan on even getting a table. But house décor is going to have to be done at a later date.

They knew they had to deal with Danzo, it was a given with how problematic he was in the last timeline, but they need to think about the following, like, what should they do after Danzo, or perhaps even during depending on how things pan out.

Sasuke is the most familiar with how Danzo fights, having killed him before. Even though Naruto wants to avoid killing him, it's a plan they need for the worst-case scenario, and with how everything has been recently going it just might come to that.

"Truthfully, I want nothing more than to rip his throat out one more time." Sasuke admitted with a growl, but soon his body slouched, "But Itachi and Shisui are already deeply involved with the coup, I don't want them becoming suspects, or eventually blamed for Danzo's demise." Sasuke huffed out.

He stood some time later before grabbing an empty sealing scroll. "I'm probably going to take a few kunai and a pouch from a store." Sasuke said as he pocketed the scroll. Naruto snickered, "How do you think I got these cushions?" Sasuke shrugged, clearly, he had already guessed Naruto stole the furniture that littered the inside of the tree.

Shikamaru shook his head, "Getting off topic here." Naruto sighed before nodding. "I feel like I'm more off track than I normally would be." Naruto sat back onto the ground. Shikamaru hummed, he had felt the same. "My mind has been more scrambled than normal." He admitted. Sasuke was silent for a moment, "Do you think it has something to do with us being kids?" He asked.

Shikamaru nodded, "I had guessed that was the reason initially. Our brains are developed, matured." He said with a shrug. He paused before shaking his head. "I'm really hoping our time in these bodies are limited." Naruto stiffened before frowning. "Think it has something to do with our weird chakra store?" Shikamaru nodded almost immediately. "Positive."

Naruto frowned, "What about the Akatsuki, and Obito." Shikamaru was caught slightly off guard by the sudden change in topic, but he slouched slightly at the mention. "That's true, but do you think we are actually strong enough?" Sasuke shook his head, "Absolutely not." He looked at his arm, which was void of a cast.

He held up his hand as a general look at just how unprepared they were, parts of his hand were pinkish in comparison to his skin. "If I can't perform a single Chidori, then no, we can't face a couple immortal dudes." Shikamaru looked grimly at Sasuke's hand, a good point was made.

"I doubt you can even perform the rasengan." Sasuke said to Naruto. Naruto gasped offended before he stopped himself, "Ok, your probably right." Naruto admitted. He had spent so long, well three days, perfecting the rasengan, and all its variants, it sucks to know he'll probably have to re learn or wait to perform them until he's older. "Its not that we don't have the chakra, rather our bodies are unprepared." Shikamaru said.

Naruto looked at Shikamaru, "That reminds me, what about your shadow jutsu or whatever, is that still good?" He asked. Shikamaru nodded then shook his head. "Well, yes, I can control it with close to no problem, but I can't really grab things with my shadow like I was used to." Sasuke nodded, he didn't know the details, but he had assumed all of them would have new limitations. It was basically a given when they found out they were children. Sasuke huffed before looking at his fake arm, "We need to make an effort to train, I mean really train." Naruto was silent before nodding.

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