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"The future.?" Tsunade said after she downed a bottle of Sake.

It was the following evening, Shizune managed to convince Tsuande to heal him, she did so with a scowl etched onto her face. But luckily for him, that meant instead of an entire week of healing a lot of very important bones, he'd only have to deal with one.

Shizune handled the surgeries required, Sasuke didn't mention it, he knew Tsunades fear of blood is still very present. He's not even sure how she snapped herself out of her current drunk mindset, probably something to do with Naruto.

Naruto had a hand in many peoples changes, Obitos, Tsunades, Nagato, himself... The list truly goes on, but that isn't important at the given moment.

Shizune nodded, her eyes drifted towards Sasuke, "He knows more than I do." Tsunades nose wrinkled before she turned to Sasuke. "From what I remember, Shizunes younger than her 'future' self." Tsunade started, Sasuke didn't bother to listen to the mockery in the Sanins tone. "Then how old are you boy." She said after taking another swig of a now empty Sake bottle. She had one left from the three Shizune bought her as an apology.

Sasuke sighed, "I'm mid thirties truthfully." Its an embarrassing thing to admit. "So a man-child?" Tsunade confirmed. Sasuke didn't reply. Shizune sighed before looking at Sasuke. "Now explain, how did I get here?" Tsunade eyed her student carefully, had it been just Sasuke who proclaimed he was from the future she'd put him straight to a mental hospital, they can help him better than she can, but her student, Shizune was agreeing and spouting the same nonsense as this rando kid!

"It was supposed to just send me, Shikamaru and Naruto." He admitted with a shrug. "But we got here thanks to an unfinished jutsu that Jiraiya made." Shizune didn't miss the way her sensei's eyes widened at the mention of her former team mate.

"What he just had one handy?" Shizune asked, He could tell by the way Sasuke sighed that he was relieved she decided to use present tense instead of past tense, it'd give off the wrong ideas, albeit the right ones, but ideas he doesn't want Tsuande to know yet.

"He worked on it for years, it was probably going to be the next big thing, next to his books of course." Shizune hummed. "Right, he probably took his books priority." She joked. Sasuke didn't laugh, but Shizune shrugged it off.

"Currently, we plan to try and deal with the early dealings of the akatsuki, but first is going to be the genocide and Danzo." Shizune eyed her teacher before she sighed in exasperation. "Are you getting involved or not." She said harshly. Shizune is going to be soft on her teacher, she wasn't stable emotionally, but she can't be here if she won't take it seriously.

Tsuande looked at Shizune carefully, "What that this whole future thing is real?" She barked out a laugh, even Sasuke could tell it was forced, but Tsuande shook her head. Shizunes features pulled into a frown as she realized her mentor was looking at her like a child.

"Summon Katsuyu." Sasuke finally said. Shizune looked at Sasuke warily. Tsunade went quiet, her rant cut off before she started saying things she would regret. "Why would I brat?" Sasukes face lacked emotion as he stared down the sanin.

It eerily reminded Tsunade of her former teammate Orochimaru when he got serious over a personal matter.

"She helped the three of us travel in the first place, it even reduced her form." He said with a shrug, finally breaking the tense eye contact. Tsunade scowled, "Reduced?" She wasn't happy to hear her summon is weaker. Sasuke didn't respond. "Shes smaller, as well as her overall chakra reserve." He supplied. Tsunade looked at the boy with a scowl.

Who did this boy think he was?

Shizune sighed, "Well then, whats Naruto doing." Sasuke looked at her before he sighed. "I have not seen them in a while." Shizune frowned, "You didn't run from the village did you?" She was aware of his nature or desire, to run, be alone, but now of all times was a little... ridiculous, not to mention downright unnecessary.

"Before I tell you." He cut himself off as he looked at the sanin who gaped at the boy. "This is a serious matter, I won't spare your feeling any longer if you don't at least give your word of secrecy." Tsunade looked at the boy with furrowed eyebrows before she gave way to laughter. "S-spare my Feelings?!" She barked as she slammed her hand onto the ground, as it to hold her from falling onto the ground. "Thats rich! Really!"

Shizune looked at Sasuke as if to plead him, but his eyes stared at the laughing Sanin coldly. "You spit nonsense in my face! T-then you want to spare my feelings?" Her laughter died down to a chuckle.

"Then go ahead." She waved her hand in the air. "Spare my feelings boy." She finally looked at the raven haired boy and she felt herself internally flinch as she was greeted by red eyes. He was too young to have the mangekyou.

She tried to look away but found herself unable to, she felt bile rise in her throat as a familiar smell assaulted her nose. She knew it was some sort of genjutsu, but despite the thought her surroundings didn't change, blurry yes, but she was in the same inn as she was before.

"War is not a great thing, I'm sure you know this fairly well." Sasuke admitted. Tsunade growled as she tried to stand, hell to this, this boy deserved to be pummeled. But she found herself nailed to the ground. The smell strengthened, blood, rot, corpses... Unwanted memories threatened to appear. "Third war, most if not all villages destroyed." Sasuke said too calmly. His red eyes didn't look from hers, not once.

"Need I go on? Summon Katsuyu." Sasuke demanded. Tsunade felt relief flood through her as the smell vanished as well as the boys eyes. Tsunade was quiet. She didn't know how to describe this... this situation.

This boy was spot on with the smells of the battlefield, despite not having been old enough to even participate in the previous one. Instead of doing as she was told she left the room.

Shizune watched her teacher leave the room, her eyes were far away. She could tell that Tsunade was truly going to go think, not get drunk or gamble to shove her bad thoughts away, but to think. Shizune wished her teacher was better, she was better, but that was in the future.

And in her opinion the future seemed to be a much bigger problem compared to her Mentors own.


Ok, sorry to cut this chapter off but I don't think I'm going to be able to work on it for a few days. Accident at work while I was brewing coffee and I sloshed boiling water all over my left arm and hand, super painful.

It's been a few hours and its already peeling 😭.

I'm not insane enough or desperate enough to work on the rest of the chapter with only one hand so.... Another hiatus?
If any of you ever got a serious burn you'd be thinking the same thing 😭😭.

If it makes this a little funnier I was decked out in a McDonald's uniform while I was rushed and admitted to the ER. 🥳🎉

For a more serious note I'll be back in a few days 👍.

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