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He dragged his hands along the walls he walked by, not noticing the odd looks he received as he did so. Where was he? Right, by orders of Danzo he is trying to find traces of Tsunade, not to talk to her, convince her to come back. No. Danzo simply just wants to know where the princess is, she holds some important records of the Senju after all, and what is a man who doesn't have something so thrilling? 

Sasuke didn't care, it'd help him in the long run. He hates following orders, especially by Danzo, but he truly does not have a choice. His eyes dulled at the thought, how long has it been? Since he left what could have been a dream come true? To be back with his family? A must've been a couple years, perhaps one. Nothing less. 

He knows how to find her thanks to Narutos constant stories of the women, her gambling addiction has led her life for many years since the death of her brother and fiance. Wherever she goes, the debt collectors follow, or try to. 

Civilians can only do so much in terms of trying to chase a ninja, a legendary sanin no less. 

Sasuke eyes the villagers, they talked in hushed whispers, nothing about him. Rumors. It looks like while Tsuande has left, she was here just a few days ago. If there is something Sasuke IS good at, its getting the job done. 

Its what Danzo says hes good for, but for some reason it doesn't occur to the man that he isn't bringing those who committed treason all that time ago on purpose. He may not be able to face the man, look him in the eye anymore, but his will is still in tact, the strange ball of wild chakra inside him wouldn't let him forgot what he was here for anyway. 

"I've been chasing her for a month now." Sasuke admitted to the grey haired man. He was the most recent victim of Senju Tsunades gambling addiction. His eyes were constantly squinted. "You look too young to be a ninja, you don't even bare a head band." He said disgruntled. The man couldn't see his face, only his height. 

His mask tilted towards the ground before it looked up again. "I'm not really asking, where did you see her last." The man looked at Sasuke before huffing. He had little to lose, but things to lose regardless. His finger pointed towards a forest. "She jumped into the trees, followed by a pet pig and some girl." Sasuke nodded. 


It was another week, before he even caught a glimpse of the women. 

She was slurring, hiccuping, her trainee, Shizune was patting her back and holding the sanin's hair. Sasuke hummed as he realized the sanin was currently having a horrible case of being hungover, he has to admit he'd never feel bad for the women, its what she was after anyway. 

A hawk sounded in the air, its wings dripped as it finally took its last flaps and fell to the ground. Jiraiya can't say he's seen something like this before, he'd been following it, several of them actually. They each seem to have originated from the direction of the leaf village. 

He grunted as he finally caught the bird, they usually didn't last long enough to even have a form to hit the ground with. Though the bird melted in his hands a few seconds later, he grimaced, he felt whoever's chakra enveloped it vanish. The chakra must have some sort of limit, though this one has made it the farthest. 

The letter, for the first time since he saw these birds, remained intact. 

He felt a little guilty, but it wasn't anything heart wrenching, so he opened the letter without a second thought. The paper, on the back held a rather interesting seal, he hasn't seen one of this quality since his former student, Minato. He frowned, he would have known if there was someone with this capability. 

He ignored it, the seal was meant to destroy the note, it was only a matter of time until this one burned just like the rest of them. His eyes widened almost instantly, this was... 

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