The Know it all and The Clueless.

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Shikamaru found Naruto pretty easily, he had a copy of the seal on a paper, Shikamaru already knew it was going to take a while to even crack, Naruto himself confirmed it. 

"The seal is complicated, and while making a counter seal is currently my goal, I'm guessing it's going to still take around a month to do." Shikamaru nodded, Naruto didn't expect it to take any less time, "The Uzumaki books ought to be around here somewhere." Shikamaru offered but Naruto shook his head.

"I've read all of them, none of them really go into depth about a seal like this." Naruto had already thought of that, but it came down to one simple thing, the seal was made specifically for Danzo.

He didn't even want to think about the process and time it'll take to remove the seal, it looks like a circle, a simple circle, but in reality this circle connects to the brain, that's how the seal stops the bearer from talking or acting against Danzo, and he doesn't even want to think about the possible complication of removing the seal too fast or too slow, just simply, Wrong. It could kill the bearer, or in other words Sai and soon to be Sasuke.

He groaned and Shikamaru only looked away awkwardly, "Why did Sasuke have to do this?" He muttered. And Shikamaru didn't really have a response. He doesn't know why Sasuke would sacrifice his life this way, Sasuke would rather just pummel Danzo into the ground and Danzo can only hope a body would be left behind.

Shikamaru shook his head, "It's better not to think about it." Naruto only glanced at Shikamaru in response and started scribbling at the paper holding the seal again. Like he could just not think about it, he wished he could, he really did.

"Thanks, Shikamaru." Naruto said gesturing towards the bag of supplies, "Sai will probably need a sealing scroll and ink." Shikamaru nodded, I figured I'd ask what he needs." Naruto nodded; his technique was bound to be helpful in the long run.

Shikamaru took Naruto's silence as his que to leave, Naruto seemed to be concentrated on the seal, and with knowing the stakes of getting the seal wrong, he figured it was for the best he let Naruto work in peace. He knows he wasn't really kicked out of the tree, but he felt a little butt hurt. Shikamaru sighed, he understood Naruto's frustration completely and Naruto was certainly holding a heavier burden than he was. 

Sai was admitted to an orphanage, after he was discharged from the hospital, all he could do was shake his head when they asked if he had any family, so he wasn't really shocked by this outcome. He could tell immediately this wasn't a general standard orphanage though, a lot of the kids looked different, some had nasty scars, others sat quietly to themselves in the corner others had casts, or slings like he did. If he had to guess and trust him when he says he's getting tired of guessing, this was where kids went when they weren't trusted to go to a normal orphanage where normal kids went. 

It looks like it was situated closer to T&I anyway, that's probably the reason he was here. 

He looked between the kids and figured it just wasn't worth his time, he scowled as he realized he'd have to stay here, he wanted to leave as soon as he was discharged from the hospital, but he can't risk getting caught leaving or someone noticing he's gone. His brother would have to wait.

He was shown where he'd be sleeping It was a room with one bed and a singular window, just what he needed. At least he planned ahead, he had dislocated and accidentally fractured his left arm, his right one was his drawing hand. He was somewhat ambidextrous, but everyone had a favorite. He could probably ask for some ink and paper, he'd send a letter to Shin.

He frowned as he realized he has yet to even learn his specialized drawing jutsu yet, but he supposed he'd rather just tell Shin his whole situation than not, so he forgot about that hiccup pretty quickly. 

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