Nothing to do but go along with it!

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It was a week into May, the rain was slowing down, and it was getting humid. Sai didn't like humidity much, it messes with his art supplies, but he figures since the only supplies he owns at the moment is a pen and some paper, he'll live. Shin replied. 

He was still in the orphanage and Inoichi was still popping in for visits every now and then, he could tell Inoichi was running out of polite options, he asked the same questions over and over again, occasionally changing the words. He needed to disappear for a while, and he could only hope Inoichi didn't notice, his visits weren't the same as the last ever, and Sai didn't have anything close to guessing the schedule. 

He scowled as he watched a lady yell about lunch, it was currently mid-day, that means he had an hour before Shin went to death forest, he had given a letter to Naruto informing him, Naruto replied, He was more than willing to be there at any time. Sai sighed as he finally found the halls void of any children, he had learned the children here were awfully observant, he was caught a couple times drawing his beasts, he supposed with whatever they had gone through was related to trauma, regardless of if it were physical or mental. 

Even if they didn't have the smarts of a kid in the academy, they definitely had the observation. 

Sai decided against trying to sneak out of the window, by the small chance someone did see him he'd be screwed, its one thing to wander away from the orphanage but it will be a whole other thing if he's suspected to be a spy. He treaded carefully through the halls, keeping an eye out for anybody who may try to get him into the lunchroom, he had gotten permission to eat in his room but that was it, and it was bound to end soon since he's been here for a while. 

The door was easy to get to, and to leave from, it wasn't even fenced, he supposed the kids who came here usually didn't have anywhere else to go. Sai was thinking to himself as he walked away from the building, he hid quickly, a man with blonde hair was walking with a folder. Of course, Inoichi would come as soon as it was lunch, not that it was repetitive, he sighed harshly, he didn't know when Inoichi was coming, its best to just get to the meeting spot and return as fast as possible. 

He didn't want to be around to hear the commotion that was about to commence over his absence, he was the leaf's only lead to finding Sasuke anyway. When were they going to give up? It has been a little over half a month since he disappeared. He shook his head as he avoided any human contact, he's basically famous among the shinobi, luckily the only civilian to know about his existence and connection to Sasuke would be the caretaker over at the orphanage. 

He shook his head as he climbed up a wall, it took around 30 minutes to get to Death Forest from the orphanage on foot, without running on top of building's. He didn't want to keep Naruto or Shin waiting; Shin would most likely leave as soon as Sai wasn't there, but Naruto was. He'd think he'd been tricked, pranked even, by the Jinchuriki. 

He knew he would be angry to find out his possible execution was fueled by nothing more than a prank. 

He knew immediately that Shin was already there as well as Naruto, Shin was getting loud, and Naruto was obviously trying his best to keep Shin there. "Thank you, Naruto." Sai said genuinely. He doesn't know how he would feel if he found that Shin left before he got there, and Shin would most likely never try and leave ROOT again. 

Shin looked up and his body shivered. He hadn't sensed Sai at all, and the way Sai was hanging onto the tree branch outside screamed imposter. Sai's eyes narrowed at Shins reaction, "Well, I had planned on telling you anyway, there was no other way you'd listen." Sai said honestly, Naruto nodded and backed away to give the impression of Shin and Sai being alone. 

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