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From what he was able to gather, is that almost everyone he knew is different now as kids. Sakura is shy and withdrawn, Lee might as well be a different person. Kiba doesn't understand companionship, Ino is only drawn to flowers and Sasuke still.

It's so obvious, of course they would have been different, but something in him wanted to believe they never changed, and they were always the way they were. He was shocked when Sakura didn't punch Lee into the ground when he complimented her forehead, the dummy.

She didn't look happy about her forehead getting pointed out, but she seemed happy it wasn't getting made fun of.

Naruto sighed as he found himself drawing in the dirt. Lee had to go, and no way he was going to hang out with Sakura alone, so he dismissed himself. Don't get him wrong, he would have liked to hang out with Sakura, and maybe with time he could without issue, but right now he knows he'd just seem creepy looking at her without saying anything.

She was his teammate, unlike Sasuke she was always there for him, in her twisted aggressive way she cared about him in a way no one else would. He understands that she did it as a friend, as family more than a lover, and he has come to terms with that, it was a childhood crush after all.

Naruto sighed as he made a few hand signs, he'll stay here for a bit to get himself back into his presentable childish self. The ground rumbled before it rose into a small, enclosed dome. It was big enough for Naruto to sit comfortably in, but he'd have to crawl on his stomach to get out, or he could just break it, that'll be more fun. He sighed dramatically as he heard a rumbling echo throughout the sky, ok, maybe no rainbow.

Konoha had some intense spring showers, not as bad as the cloud though. They had hurricane season, Konoha had thunderstorms.

Naruto figured he could do some studying, maybe try to get better at other chakra natures, ever since the battle and meeting Hagoromo, he had better proficiency with different chakra natures. He still has yet to be able to replicate the truth-seeking orbs, but he understands the mixture needed, and he usually can make a weaker version of them, similar to the rasengan. Which is admittedly a feat in and of itself, he can really only acknowledge it as a milestone though.

He made a few hand sign attempts before inevitably stopping himself from even attempting it. He was a child, with a small chakra store, and he'll get chakra depleted in an instant. OK, maybe not the smartest idea he's ever had.

Naruto listened silently to the tapping of raindrops on his dome, it was certainly relaxing, he sure wished he was in his apartment right now, he'd probably fall asleep.

"We should refuse the next time it's raining." A large dog mumbled. A smaller dog scoffed, "You know you won't." He said as more of a taunt, his high-pitched voice squeaked as the dog growled.

Pakkun growled himself, "You dung eater lot!" He yelled. "You're losing sight of the objective!" He reprimanded the other two dogs that were grouped with him. They all looked at Pakkun before looking ahead of them.

Kakashi had received a report over a masked man, he was a suspicious and potentially dangerous figure. From what is described the man had a strange scope of jutsu at his disposal. But the sighting was cut short when the citizen decided to run away than to stick around. Can't blame em, he's here to find and track, not to fight. He'd most likely lose.

A loud boom made the dogs whimper and slow down. Pakkun growled as he watched the disoriented dogs run in different directions. He would have chased them down if it weren't for the fact, they became puffs of smoke as soon as he lost sight of them.

He understands the limits, he's the smartest for a reason. But he can't deny the fact this thunder and rain was throwing him off. He should stop until it calms down, even a little would do. He has been blinded by lightning one too many times.

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