Chapter 12

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Avery's POV:
"Wow, that's a lot of cards" James said in surprise, "yea, my mom always hangs up cards that were given to us" I responded, I didn't think it was that surprising since almost everyone in my family does this, like our own family tradition.

Narrator's POV:

Both James and Avery decided to just sit down and watch a movie, since there wasn't anything else for them to do, and it would probably be an hour or so until the food gets done, and they needed a way to distract themselves until then. Both of them didn't seem to really find anything good to watch so instead they looked around els where boredom was sinking in slowly as they struggled to find an activity to do.

Avery's POV:

"IIII"mmmmm bbboooreeed" I said flopping back down on the couch, "you know we can just talk" James said, "okay, what exactly are we gonna talk about" I said, .... "Lets play T or D" James said, "what are we kids?" I asked, "yes, yes we are" James responded, "your lame" I said back, "Avery Truth or Dare" James said clearly ignoring my 'insult' "truth" I said, "have you ever had a crush on someone?" James asked, "what is this kindergarten?" I said, James looked at me arms crossed, "fine, your questions are lame, but no I haven't" I said clearly bored. "James truth or dare?" I questioned, "Dare!" James responded clearly confident, "I dare you to pick a better game" I said smirking, "what- you c-can't d-do that!" James said stuttering over his words, "I just did" I stated, "Fine, you bully" James said clearly upset, "sorry man, maybe if you were actually good at asking questions then maybe I would've continued playing or maybe just don't pick dare next time" I said smugly, " I personally feel attacked" James said, "good" I respond, "wooooowwww I see how it is" James said. "Well, since you want to be mean you can- uh" James said, struggling to make a comeback, "you suck" James finally said, "and you are stupid" I said back, "I-" "DINNER'S READY" My mom accidently cut off James, I got up and let out a laugh of amusement as James was clearly annoyed.

Word count: 377
Hope y'all enjoyed-

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