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•[I'll Do It]•

Itadori, Nabora and Megumi had a lot of things to tell Gojo. Well mostly Itadori. Filling him in on the missions they had to do without him and how he's become great friends with Todo.

Nabora said a few things. Like how she made herself a new hammer but still needing to get nails. Then pointed out how she needed a trim since her hair is getting too long. Which Gojo responded with;

"Looks good on you, keep it."

Gojo savoured their time together, not knowing when he'll fall of again. But as the night came quickly and memories began to resurface, he realized that he was nothing without them. And for that, he'd try his best to still be the best.

It's what he's known for.

However when it came to pay the bill, a four hundred dollar bill, his heart sped up and he began to sweat a bit. He's nervous, nervous that they'd see through him.

"Um sir."

"Hm?" Go realized he was staring at her. Thin thighs, slim waist, and breasts the size of melons. Gojo tire his gaze away, glancing at the bill once more. He chuckled. "Right. Sorry."

She smiles, tucking a strand of blue and purple hair behind her pierced ears. Her style made him think that she's probably the only worker here that's breaking all guidelines on how to look at a work place.

"Do you uh...take cheques?" He asks.

The girl apologizes, shaking her head lightly as she held a sorry look onto her face. "No, sorry. We used to though, at one point but that stopped taking them after we got to many fake cheques. So,." She shrugs.

"So cash only?" Gojo began tapping the receipt paper slowly out of habit. He always did it when he'd zone out or think or something. But here, he's stalling for a bit.

"Yup, just cash, nothing more."

"No credit cards?"

She clears her throat, glancing at Itadori and Nabora who's engaged in conversation. Megumi looked at the lady then back at Gojo, however, said nothing.

"N-no credit cards, sorry."

Gojo exhales and picked up the receipt. "Hm." In his head he's screaming. "Can you put it on my tab please?"

"We don't do those either. Boss just want cash straight up and if you can't pay I'll have to call-

"Oh I can pay, sweetheart." Gojo stands to his feet. He leaned in close to her, whispering something into her ear.

The lady turned a bright pink, clearing her throat and taking the receipt from Gojo. He lick his lips, watching her walk away. His smile drops, turning to them.

"Alright let's go, we're going to get ice cream."

"Oh yeah!" Itadori chimes in.

The quicker Gojo walked the quicker the rest followed. He told the lady if she holds his bill he'd give her the best head her ex boyfriend couldn't give to her. He ended it with a;

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Where stories live. Discover now