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•[What's The Difference]•

Y/N woke up. The feeling was strange, very strange. Y/N rubbed the sleep from her eyes and checked the time on her phone that's under her pillow.

3:18 a.m.

She sat up, noticing that Gojo isn't in bed beside her. Another month went by and Gojo have been switching from pill to pill. Y/N stopped caring, getting used to him doing so.

She'd try to tell him to stop but he wouldn't listen of course. Earlier today he left to find more and she only waited for him to come back, he did, but when he did he just went straight to sleep.

It was like he had taken a few before he got home and they knocked him out. They were probably sleeping pills that he bought, Y/N thought.

However, she snuggled next to him and fell asleep too. The verbal and emotional you're stopped for some time and she liked it that way.

She's still waiting for him to shout and throw things. She knows it's destined to start up again.

As for Nanami, he's still in he limelight of everything. Not knowing what's actually going on, having no clue that Gojo is still on drugs, and she feels bad about that.

Bad about keeping it from him since he's the only one helping. Y/N threw the covers off her feet and stood up. She went downstairs and got herself a cup of water. Gojo probably left again to find more pills.

Again, she doesn't care, once he doesn't hit her or push her into the wall, or throw things at her. She stopped arguing with him and crying and just allowed him to do what he wanted.

She's used to it anyways, so why fight it? Y/N sighed and checked her phone once more. She leaned against the counter and opened a chat she hadn't visited in a really long time.


She exhales, reading old messages and listening to old voice messages left behind.

"Goodnight darling."

Y/N nearly choked on her water and exhaled. She hadn't heard that one in a while. However, she had to stop it there. She could feel herself on the edge of crying and she doesn't want that.

Y/N checked the fridge and exhaled. Groceries are getting low and Nanami will ask questions on it. He gave her money, but, as always, Gojo took it. She tried hiding it a few times but he either found it without her knowledge or just took it away from her.

Y/N poured the rest of the water down the drain and went back to her room. Y/N was getting worried about Gojo, he usually never takes this long to come back home.

If he leaves during the day, he'd come back when the sun is setting or would come back nearly three in the morning.

He never leaves at night. Never.

Y/N waited for a few more minutes before she began to pace. It's been twenty minutes now and she's beyond worried. Y/N exhaled and went to the bathroom.

She opened the door and clicked the light on. That's when she saw it. That's when her heart dropped and her eyes widened.

Laying on the floor practically paralyzed from moving with puke near his face, is Gojo.

Y/N noticed how he's looking at her so he can't be dead that's for sure. A dry whimper came from him but other than that he made no other movement.

Y/N covered her mouth in shock and quickly called Nanami. She's panicking, not knowing what's going on with him. Why is he just laying there in his own vomit?

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑫𝒓𝒖𝒈 / 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒖 𝑮𝒐𝒋𝒐Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant