Authors note

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Before you start;

Hello!! I hope you enjoy this story filled with romance and adventure on the open seas! Before you start you might like to read this.

This story is losely based on history in terms of Pirates against the Navy, but it is set in a made up world with made up people. I've tried to make it kind of historicaly accurate and get the ships names and such right but I am in no way an expert on any of this. My only sources are 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and 'Assassin's creed Black Flag' and some reasearch on random stuff eg; types of swords. I'm sorry if things are really inaccurate and it annoys you, I'll try my best, but I can't promise I'll get everything right.

It starts a little slow but the epic ship battles and sword fights are coming I guarantee it!! I'm open to critisim and ideas if you feel inclined. But don't bombard me with hate (pretty please).

Also, have to put in that the picture cover is not mine. It belongs to 'fotos xules'. It was just so beautiful.

Right, that's me all done! Hope you all enjoy.

Thank you, Little Sparrow

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