Chapter 36

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"Du-" Dustin's fingers landed on Sky's mouth halting her with a 'shush'. His fingertips were warm and Sky's brain slowed slightly. Dustin smirked, knowing fully well the effect he was having on the girl before him. Sky pulled away from his hand and lowered her voice.

"What are you doing?" She snapped. However happy she was to see him, he could destroy everything. Dustin leaned closer to her as he placed one hand on her lower back, farther down than Edward had, and slipped his fingers between her other hand holding it up.

"I couldn't let you sit alone all evening, now could I?" His voice had returned to its normal pitch, which Sky was thankful for; he had sounded like a bear before. They were simply swaying in time with the lively music and Sky hoped Dustin didn't expect much more from her because she was having trouble standing.

"I mean here in the palace. Anyone could see you."

"I'm here to make sure you don't get brainwashed by your brother before I have a chance to talk to you." Sky's mouth opened.

"Now? You want to talk now?" She hissed. "I don't know if you've realised; but now's not really the time nor the place." She didn't admit that she hadn't entirely planned of talking to him after this.

"Also, I have to make sure you actually do the job and don't betray us." He gave her a sheepish look, "Dana's words, not mine."

Sky sighed. However angry she was, seeing him made her feel slightly better and safer. "I would be better if you had worn a disguise, though I barely recognise you without your hat." She smiled at him as he turned them in a slow circle The couples around them paying them no mind. Dustin gave her a warm grin.

"And I'm surprised to see you actually look like a woman." His playful tone made Sky shoot him a nasty look.

"How am I meant to fight in a bloody thing like this? Not to mention the fact that Lady Bolva, or whatever her name is, actually has the money to buy a dress like this." Sky huffed.

"Bolivia," Dustin said her name strangely then laughed his warm real laugh. "Lady Bolivia happens to be the Kings niece. So yes, she can afford dresses like this. In fact, this would be one of her lesser ones." Dustin pulled at the ruffle on Sky's shoulder his fingertips brushing her bare skin and a look of recognition passed over his face, then it was gone as quickly as it had come. "Besides, I wasn't insulting you Sweetheart." Sky didn't miss the fact that his nickname for her brought her tingles. "You look beautiful."

"I didn't know the King had a niece." Sky spoke quickly and louder than she had before. Dustin smirked at her diversion and lifted her hand so she could spin under his arm. Somehow it didn't surprise Sky that he knew how to dance, he seemed to be good at everything. Or perhaps he had attended a few balls as an officer all those years ago. When they were facing again he spoke.

"She is kept away from the light of politics. Not many people see her often," He lifted an eyebrow at Sky, "Though your brother knows her quite well." Sky's head snapped up.

"How well?" She was pretty sure she knew the answer and Dustin's smile confirmed her suspicions. The thought of James being with someone seemed strange to her and she tried to keep the conversation flowing. "Do you know her?"

Dustin's smiled faltered slightly when he looked down at Sky. "Aye, I know her." Was all he said and Sky frowned at the uncomfortable look on his face. She decided against pressing him for details, something told her she didn't want to know.

The music picked up speed and Sky let Dustin lead her, completely trusting him not to trip her. It was odd dancing with him; after all he was meant to be a vicious pirate not a noble man capable of kindness.

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