Chapter 62 - Intargo Fort

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As nightfall shrouded the southern islands in calm darkness, the rebels planed their strategy of attack. The men of Intargo had led their guests to seek shelter for the nights they had left before the fleet arrived. Some Dana's men had gone to put final reinforcements on Patchwork Sally using proper wood. The Admirals officers had been ordered to assist the Intargo men with their weapon checks for each other their ships. At the request of the cormorant leader many of her rebels along with the townspeople of Harpers Isle were to spend their time learning their way around their ship's cannons.

In the Fort's meeting room, the leaders of the rebellion remained to discuss the logistics of the war to come. The round stone table in the middle of the room held an enormous piece of parchment outlining the Nivarian Sea and the peaks of the southern isles. Placed on top of the map, closest to Sky and directly above the jagged peaks, were seven small tokens made of mental. There looked like they could be a currency of some sort, but they did not hold any meaning to Sky. Across the clear space of sea, was a neat pile of silver Karnivarian coins.

"We have taken many navy vessels down over the years. I'd wager he only has ten at the most left. Well, ones that he can spare." To Sky's side Dustin was inspecting the map. At his words Rogue took ten of the coins and placed them out on the map. "I know that when we were on Karniva he had a small fleet to the far eastern side as he always has. But on such short notice, they wouldn't have been able to get them in time. It appears we may not be as out numbers as we originally thought."

There were six of them still left in the large room making it seem much bigger. Each of the leaders were standing on one side of the table inspecting the map. Nichola was looking down from the eastern side, his tall frame bent as he leaned across the table. To his right, stood Admiral Balthid. Sky noticed that his eyes moved to the pile of Karnivarian coins with unease. They all know what each of them represented.

Dana came next, seeming rather small compared with the Admiral. The two had uncomfortably exchanged names and a hand shake. Sky had heard Admiral Balthid give the woman a soft apology, one she had brushed aside with a small smile and an offhand comment about 'court life'. That confused Sky; she knew Dana had worked for the King, but it seemed odd for her to bring up the court. Sky had bushed it aside as a mystery she didn't need to know.

Standing directly in front of the map was Dustin. His hat had been left across the table and his hair was a messy mop on his head. Sky wanted to comb it down to make him look a little less frazzled. Rogue was standing to her left and overlooked the western edge of the map. He was opposite Nichola and kept glancing around at the other leaders present. As Commander of the townspeople's ship he had been asked to stay as their representative. He would also need to give them orders and so it was vital he remained, even if it did make him feel out of place.

At least he is in control of a ship. Sky stood a little awkwardly between him and Dustin. Dana had asked Edward to go with the cormorants and the Belladonna's crew and assist where they were needed. Sky had stood next to him and so she wondered if she was expected to do the same. As it was, Dustin had not told her to leave and no one seemed to object to her presence when the door had shut behind the others. Nichola had even smiled at her when she approached the table. It was almost as though they considered her a leader too. Sky was both nervous and humbled at the same time.

"However, with only seven ships to our cause we need to be diligent. Do what you must on the waters, but if the situation calls for, I think we should have an escape plan." The Admiral was gazing out over the coins. The rebel's darker doubloons were lined up in a neat row in front of the peaks. Rogue had arranged the Navy's fleet in V shape with one larger silver coin at the point. It was obvious he'd picked it to be The Jane Duchess.

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