Chapter 56 - The Bow

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Dana was watching them closely. However, she said nothing when Edward passed Sky a cutlass. Some members of the rebel crew had retired to the deck below, but more people were waking from their sleep to join them on the main deck. The Cormorants were relaxed enjoying the slower pace of the ship and the pleasant morning.

"It's been while." Sky admitted griping her blade in her left hand. There was a scar across her skin. Sky studied it. Most of her scrapes had healed and she was feeling stronger then she'd ever thought she could. There were muscles in her arms she hadn't known had grown and her fingers curled easily around the hilt of the sword.

"All the more reason to practice." Edward held his blade with a firm grip and bounced lightly from foot to foot. They were standing up near the bow of the frigate and the others gave them a wide berth. "Let's just start out with simple parrying to warm up shall we?"

Edward looked actually pleased to be sparing and Sky could feel her excitement rising too. She gave him a curt nod and positioned her body in the stance Thomas had taught her. Fighting like this was different from a real clashing of blades. There were delicate steps and one had to watch their partner carefully and match them. Each swing was thrown with intention of meeting metal, not flesh. Sky lifted herself onto the balls of her feet ready to move quickly.

The two circled each other in the small space. They didn't have very much space and so this was the perfect time for Sky to practice close combat fighting. Edward stepped, crossing his right leg over his left and held his blade out. Sky smiled going the opposite, but her blade was higher crossed across her chest.

One side of Edward's lips twitched happily and they both moved together in one fluid motion. Their blades met with a light ting that rang out across the deck. Sky felt the pressure lift from her blade and pulled back too, stepping nimbly away as Edward lunged. Sky turned her body to the side minimising his target space and spun around to his right flank letting her dodge's momentum power her blade's swipe to the man's back. She was ready to let her blade fall if he couldn't react in time. The last thing the wanted to do was hurt one another.

She needn't had worried because Edward twirled to his left and effectively out of her wide sweep. They both faced each other again their blades sliding together. Sky could feel her checks lift when she saw the light in Edward's brown eyes. They were both thinking the same thing.

We are too in sync.

Edward increased the strength behind his sword and lifted their blades up higher to Sky's disadvantage. They pulled apart a moment later. Time to step it up a notch. Sky lunged suddenly and Edward battered her blade to the side only to lift his own above his head as Sky's sword swept down at him in a loop over her shoulder. The sound of steel meeting steel came more frequent as the two danced around in the small space. Most of the Cormorants were working at their stations paying little attention to the duelling duo, but some who a woken ate watching with relaxed smiles.

Edward was pushing Sky backwards, his blows coming a little bit stronger now. Sky knew the railing was close behind her and did something she knew would throw her opponent off. Shifting the blade smoothly to her other hand Sky reached up to the rigging ladder behind her that led up to the foremast. She effortlessly lifted herself from the wooden deck below and twirled up on to the railing. Her boot heels dug into the wood as she leaned precariously backwards trusting the rope to take her weight. The Cormorant faltered in his jabs and looked up at her with shocked eyes. Sky grinned down at him very tall for once.

"Ha HA!" Sky yelled jubilantly feeling very piratey. "What's wrong Ed?" Sky's blade aimed low towards him, her voice joyful with adrenaline. "Worried I might fall?"

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