Chapter 34

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Edward ran down the narrow alley way on nimble feet. It was around six and the sun was just beginning to sink and the air was cool. Sky ran after him only a few paces behind thankful for her light clothes. There was no trace of the kings men from two nights ago and for a second Sky wondered if it even happened at all.

They emerged out of the alley and stopped to look around. They found themselves at a fork that Sky remembered from when she had followed the officers here. Edward turned to face her and gave her a small nod, which she returned, before they both started off down the largest road heading in the direction of the palace.

The trip seemed to take more time than Sky remembered and she assumed it was because there was no real need to hurry. She and Edward walked briskly past the small stalls set up on either side of the road. There was a sickly smell that hung in the air and made Sky think of the slow days on her father's fishing boat. When she and James would through rotting fish at each other, though it was always James who would start it.

"We're making good time; we should be out of the slums soon." Edward spoke keeping his voice low and quiet. Sky was drawn out of her memories and sighed.

"You would think the King would have done something about the conditions of places like this." Sky spoke softly her eyes darting to a young boy slumped amongst the door frame of a rickety looking building. His face was down so Sky could see him properly, but she saw his black hands, filthy with grime, and clenched her own in anger.

"He is." Edward followed her gaze and smiled sadly at Sky. "That's what we're trying to stop."

Sky tore her eyes from the boy and forced herself to keep walking, against her longing to help him. It all seemed unreal to her. Back in Rendes she had seen poverty but not like this. Sky had walked through the streets of the wealthy in Karniva, she had seen all the resources the mainland had to offer and yet there were people living like this.

Maybe the King feels he is doing the right thing. These people are sick and they are living a life as bad as death. Sky bit her lip. It didn't matter whether King Patrick 'thought' he was doing the right thing, Sky know this was wrong. Killing people, massacring them, for whatever reason did not sit well with Sky.

But why then is James helping? Once again Sky pushed her doubt to the back of her mind and quickened her pace so that she was a good foot ahead of her companion. Edward kept up and did not question her behaviour to which she was thankful. She did not think she could phrase her tangled thoughts.

Refusing to let herself become involved in the sickness and despair around her, Sky walked up the road until it emerged at a place she recognised. Edward came up behind her as she stepped onto the main road that lead straight to the entrance of the Kings palace.

Sky felt him before she heard him as Edward ripped her backwards by her collar into the shadow cast by the building on either side of them and away from the main road.

"Careful," He snapped and leaned out around her small frame. Sky frowned at him. "Look."

She too leaded forward so that only her head was out of the narrow street. Standing across the sandy coloured road was a small huddle of red and blue. Sky sucked in her breath as the king's officers laughed with one and other. Oblivious to civilians who scurried about them as the sun sank.

"The King is paranoid. His men won't hesitate if they know who we are." Edward's brown eyes were sharp with focus.

"Sorry. Something was on my mind." Edward turned to face her, his eyes searching her face.

"I could tell." He sighed and took a step closer to her. "Sky, I don't think you realise how important this is."

"I do. I know, I just-"

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