Chapter 47

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Given the current circumstances, Sky decided Dustin's plan wasn't the best idea. It had nothing to do with the fact that she felt a lot better at having a pistol tucked into her pants in place of the white one still on The Belladonna, nor that she was more confident in her abilities to sneak into the manor by scaling one of the far walls where she knew she could listen to the meeting without the fear of being set away without any information. That meant there was no need to chance into a restricting dress and the only thing Sky had to ask for was one of their gun which was given to her by a boy only a few years younger than her. He blushed shyly as she took it and wished her luck. After Sky had thanked him and had made sure the pistol and flare gun were secure, she readied herself to leave through one of the murky windows that faced away from the main road and out into the shrub surrounding the town.

"Here," The woman leaned on the bar counter and passed a glass of water over to Sky. The cool liquid was gone in seconds and Sky had to restrain herself from asking for more and perhaps some food as well. There would be time for that later.

"Thank you." She set the glass back down and looked at the open window to her right. "I hope this works." The woman smiled at her with worried eyes. A think silence had begun to grow between them when the woman spoke.

"I have to know," She said with concern in her eyes, "Marle, is Marle here?" Her voice dropped so that no one could hear her but Sky. "I was sure you wouldn't come back. There have been words of your crew in Karniva. I feared..."

Sky gave her a genuine grin as a light flush appeared on her face. "He is fine. After this is all over I'll tell him to find you. I'm sure he will be pleased to see you again." The woman's small smile turned sad but she nodded.

"I have something I need to tell him." She looked away from Sky and to the window, her voice strained. "You should go if you want to hear the end of the meeting. Good luck. And..." She looked back at Sky, "thank you. For coming back, no matter you reasons." The woman leaned over the counter to kiss Sky on the check causing her to blush.

Sky nodded, her face warm with happiness, and moved towards the window checking her blades were covered and pushed her salt crusted hair back off her face. The window was small and only just big enough for her to climb through. But she would have to be fast if she wanted to get to the cover of the shrubs without being seen. It was also likely that some of Dustin's men were outside waiting for her to emerge again. Sky placed her hands on the pane and lifted one leg over the edge of the window sill. The rest of the people in the tavern watched her with concern, some waved to her and others turned away as if to give her privacy, but most just watched and waited.

As Sky ducked her head when a small hand on her leg made her stop. She looked down at a sweet face gazing up at her with big eyes. A huge smile graced Sky's lips.

"Hello," She greeted the girl racking her mind for her name. A name she had only heard once. Her last memory of this little girl was her lying on a table as Bates stitched her up from a bullet wound.

The girl didn't say anything as she held out her hand, her rounded face truing a bright red and her eyes flickering down. Sky placed her hand under the girls as she looked down at the top of her head. The girl let go a piece of black ribbon and it fell into Sky's grasp. She looked at it briefly before shifting her eyes back to the girl.

"Thank you." Sky told her with a smile. Her chest was tight and she felt a strong urge to hug this child. Before she could do anything else the girl turned away and went back to the woman who Sky had assumed was her mother before remembering that she had been orphaned. Sky sighed and sat half out the window as she reached around to tie her dark wavy hair up in a high ponytail. Sweeping the stray strands off her face, she hitched her other leg up and climbed out the window.

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