Chapter 64 - Nivarian Sea

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The Belladonna led the rebels out through the peaks and into open waters. The morning sky was remarkably vibrant and expanded out for miles over the ocean. It was so stark in its enormity that at the edges of Sky's vision the world seemed to warp and curve slightly. Far away on the northern horizon, the place where sky and sea met was a white haze. It was too nice of a morning for a war. The sun had just risen and painted the sea in metallic hues. The waters were inappropriately still and calm.

Patchwork Sally followed closely behind them. Her mast had been reinforced with sturdy material and looked stronger than before like he had donned armour for the occasion. Dana was at the wheel looking magnificent and ready; she held none of that fatigue Sky was so used to seeing in her. Her Cormorants worked away on the deck with more coordination than they had seen previously. There were less of them, some had decided to be amongst Nichola's rescue teams who were sailing out dodging the sharp spikes of the peaks where they would remain dormant until they were needed.

The Governor of Intargo trailed behind Sally in a Brig which must have opened belonged to the King. His two other vessels glided behind him in a single file as they passed through the channel. The battering ram mounted on the second one. It had its few guns mounted only at the back to act as a counter weight for the heavy metal blade at the bow. Rogue was the last to follow, bringing up the rear with the people of Harpers Isle.

By the time they had all emerged from the peak infested waters the Admiral's Maribelle was gliding port to align her hull with the others on the left. Dana steered Sally towards the Maribelle, Nichola and one of his ships trailed behind her. According to the plan they would strike out at the western side of the fleet and ensure The Belladonna would be sounded. Rogue and the Ramming ship would take to the eastern waters and wait off from the near distance for their moment to strike. They floated out from behind the others.

Sky saw Rogue give Dustin a salute as they passed. Dustin returned it and gave his man a nod of encouragement. The townspeople looked determined for their task. Nichola's men in in the ship to their right appeared much more energetic at the thought of battle.

"I hope they can be patient enough to wait until the Jane Duchess has fired." Sky murmured from Dustin's side at the wheel.

Thomas and Edward were pacing the main deck giving small orders to the men they passed. The older pirate seemed to be enjoying his company and Sky and seen them laugh on a few occasions at some shared joke. She wondered if Dana had been completely honest with her young cormorant. Sky suspected that the insightful woman knew that The Belladonna was where Edward had preferred to be and so she'd given him the orders he'd wanted to hear.

To her right Dustin hummed thoughtfully. He had been very quiet since she'd joined him and Sky could see him concentration and inspecting every detail. He was watching them fall into their place like the pieces of a puzzle. If even one thing was amiss, the whole plan might collapse in on itself.

"Nichola and Dana are in position." Sky said as the three ships came to a stop slightly behind and to their port side. Dustin had wanted her keen eyes with him while they waited for the fleet. That, and Sky suspected her presence brought him some small comfort.

"Good." Dustin's voice was small. He sighed gripped his wheel with tense hands. "Thomas!" The man and his newly appointed apprentice looked up at them. Knowing the rest of the crew was listening, Dustin spoke their orders. "Once they are spotted, we will continue north west of the Jane Duchess at a slow speed, half sails, to give Admiral Balthid time to come from our stern. Hopefully the King's men will spot us and take the bait. The Admiral will then trail with enough space for Ash to think they can take the shot." The men below nodded in understating. "Wait for my orders after that. We will need to be prepared for a complete stop and evasive manoeuvres. I do not want to give the Commodore the satisfaction of landing a hit."

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