Chapter 7 - Belladonna

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It could have been days since Sky was thrown down here. It could have been weeks as far as the she was concerned. In reality, however, it was in fact three whole days since she had blacked out. Sky woke to the sound of waves hitting the side of the ship and was momentarily disorientated.

Where am I? Sky turned her pounding head to look around and screamed as lightening shot from the bottom of her spine all the way up to her forehead sending shocks of torture to every nerve in her body. She doubled over from the pain gasping.

Another wave hit the side and rocked the ship. The Pirate ship.

No, She begged whoever was listening, please don't let it be real. Tears sprang to her eyes as her last memories came flooding back to her. Red. Blue. Red. Blue. Red. Funny how the Kings colours were also the colours of water and blood.

The ship was pushed by yet another wave. This one stronger than the last had been as it moved the ship so far Sky rolled away from the side of the ships hull. Her weak body collided with the metal bars of her prison making her yell. She gripped the cold steel; it's surface like ice against her hands. Grinding her teeth to keep herself quiet Sky heaved her throbbing body up off the ground using the bars as support. Already sweating from the effort she rested her head between the gap and tried to breathe like a normal person.

A crack of thunder vibrated the air around her. A storm was here and from the sounds coming from all around her it was not going to be gentle.

Based on what she had seen on the Brig she knew that where she was, in the cells, was most likely under water and the thought made her feel uneasy. She was thankful that there were no port holes down here but realised how stupid of a design flaw that would be as the ship would go under before it even left the harbour.

The ship swayed dangerously almost horizontal with the water and Sky felt gravity kick in as the waves tried to pull the ship under. Around her things moved out of their correct places; barrels of either water or rum, probably the latter, rolled away and banged against one and other before hitting the portside of the ship.

There was a noise from the middle deck and the wood above her creaked with heavy footsteps. Sky considered calling out for help then realised that the only other people on the ship were pirates and they were not just going to let their prisoner out of her cell.

The ship slowly righted itself and Sky's weight was shifted back to her legs. They almost gave out from under her now that they had to bear the rest of her body. She tried to hang onto the bars in order to keep her body from falling but it was difficult as her arms were just as sore as the rest of her.

"Cap'n said not to talk to 'er." The voice drifted into the cells from the deck above.

"And who's gonna check 'er in the middle of a hurricane, eh?" A rougher voice snapped. Sky saw feet on the rungs leading down into her prison. "If we're gonna die in this fucking storm I want one last bit o' fun. If you're too much of a piss bucket then get lost."

Two men climbed down the ladder. They hadn't seen Sky yet as she hung to the bars of her cell worried she won't be able to move away from them.

The Captain has the keys, she reassured herself, He wouldn't give them to his men... would he? She swallowed as the pirates looked up and saw her standing at the edge of her sell.

"Hello there lass," If he knew that meant Captain Dustin had told them and that meant everyone knew she was the only women on a ship full of blood thirsty men. "Come to get a bit of fun, we 'ave."

The second man was hopping from foot to foot an anxious expression on his face. "Jenkin." He looked back to where they had descended his movements jittery. "If the Cap't finds out he'll hang ya by your insides from the mast." The first man whirled on him.

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