Chapter 45

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While Dustin and Thomas figured out whether to sail straight in to the port or dock around near the river, Sky watched the island before her. Her mind was in a state of suspension. There was no flooding of ideas but nor was it blank. It felt as if she were submerged in water with the terror of drowning, yet unable to succumb to death. Her body was weightless, yet her fingertips seemed to be filled with lead.

"Agreed." Dustin spoke as if ending a conversation. Sky was slowly pulled from her confused frame of mind and turned her attention to the two men. "But if we are to do this, every single man on this ship needs to be ready." Dustin's eyes flickered to Sky and narrowed as he addressed her. "There is no way the navy could have been here before us, so it's safe to assume that they don't know about your involvement or your," Dustin paused as a small crease appeared between his eyes, "relations."

Sky stared at him for a good second as she tried to process what he was saying. "So what is our course of action?"

Thomas looked at her confused that she hadn't been listening to their conversation. Dustin too seemed annoyed but there was also concern in his eyes. Sky's gaze flicked between the two men as she wished she'd been paying more attention.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to Sky," Dustin told her making Sky frown.

"No. I can do it. You're not leaving me behind on the ship to sit and wait for you." Sky told them firmly, anything they needed her to do she could. Dustin nodded once.

"Good." He gave the wheel to Thomas and moved up to look over at his men who had gathered on the deck. "Listen up Lads, our plans have been set back once again, by our dear friends in the Navy. Rogue, Jenkins," Dustin directed his attention solely in him. "You two will stay on the Belladonna with Thomas and make sure she stays out of sight. For now."

Sky frowned really wishing she knew what they had been discussing. The two pirates looked at each other and nodded to their captain in understanding. "The rest of you will be coming with me. I want a perimeter set up around the island in pairs. No one attacks till Sky gives the signal."

"What?" Sky blurted out causing Dustin to glance at her oddly before returning his attention to the crew.

"We need to find out why they are here before we bust in guns blazing. Unfortunately, there is only one person on this ship who is not on the navy's most wanted list and could pass as one of the townspeople." All eyes blow turned to Sky who was standing in between Dustin and Thomas. The pirates agreed with jolts of their heads and grunts of approval. Sky, on the other hand, was staring dumbstruck at her captain. Defiantly should have listened.

"Right! Get your weapons on and be ready to go as soon as we get close enough. We're not taking the long boats so hope you're all in the mood for a swim." There was an annoyed acknowledgement from the crew that Dustin ignored.

Dustin gave Thomas a friendly pat on the shoulder before descending the stairs and disappeared into his cabin.

"Why aren't we taking the boats?" Sky asked Thomas squinting in the midday sun.

"We are taking the ship as close as we can and then the lads and I will anchor her out of sight from the port. If all goes to plan no one will even see us and that makes the crew's job easier." Thomas laughed at Sky's expression. "No need to look so terrified Lass; we'll be close enough to see your flare. Once we get your signal we'll just pull into the port and will be ready to blow those bastards sky-high, if needed."

"My signal." Sky was beginning to become worried. How much of this plan rested on her?

"You be fine lass." Thomas slapped her heartily on the back. "Dust won't anything happen to ya." Sky frowned but nodded telling herself she would ask the captain when they got closer what exactly she was meant to be doing.

The Belladonnaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें