Cafe Premiere

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The next day Abby made a point to be on time to all her classes not wanting any of her teachers to be mad at her. She didn't want to ruin her perfect grades. She had to keep reminding herself the importance of a perfect GPA. Her parents could not afford to send her to college without a scholarship.

She walked hurriedly through the parking lot towards the school when she saw him. He was leaning against his red convertible starring right at her. He looked so handsome, the gentle wind ruffled his thick, raven hair, as he took a long puff from what was left of his cigarette, and then he tossed it to the ground. He looked sexy in his faded out blue jeans and white tee shirt with short sleeves that showed off his iron steel muscles with every move that he made.

"Hey you," he called out, "wait!"

He is no good she reminded herself, as she ignored him and quickened her steps to get out of his view. She knew boys like him only wanted one thing, and she couldn't even think of one reason why he would want to talk to her. Was he playing a joke on her, she wondered, he could have any girl he wanted why would he be interested in talking to her?

Pulling open the door, Abby stepped inside the school and walked over to her locker to place her school books inside and collect the ones she would need for the next two classes.

"There you are," a husky voice behind her said, "I looked for you after school yesterday and I called you five times why didn't you answer!"

Abby turned around and a smile formed on her lips, Jeff was a tall, muscular, blonde haired, green-eyed hunk, and she had the pleasure of being his best friend, "I'm sorry, my phone was turned off cause it was charging and I fell asleep with my head in my books," she explained, "I was up studying all night for the test today."

Jeff's green eyes bore into hers, as he silently studied her face before he spoke again, "I thought you had promised we would go to the cafe after school, I waited for you until the sun went down!"

Throwing herself on him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest. "I'm so sorry, I totally forgot!"

Jeff drew in a deep breath and pulled her away from him. "Come over tonight, we can watch a movie and I'll make you your favorite popcorn, my parents won't be home until very late."

"I can't, I promised Claire that I will go with her to the cafe and help her study for her biology test after school, can I get a rain check?" She asked, and she closed the locker door and turned to face him, "I'll talk to you later, I don't want to be late for my class again,"

Before Jeff could utter a response, she left him stranded by her locker starring after her. Something was off, he thought, something was heavy on her mind, he knew Abby since she was in grammar school and she was not herself today.


Abby sat down at her desk and waited patiently for class to start, her mind drifted off to yesterday's events, she couldn't get Steven out of her mind. How was she to concentrate on the lessons in her classes today if she couldn't rid him from her thoughts?

The last half hour in her class was a haze to Abby who couldn't remember anything the teacher had said, because her mind was still heavily preoccupied with lover boy, and that made her mad. When the bell rang she grabbed her belongings and dashed out of class without even stopping at her locker, she hurried along to the library to report to duty.

By four o' clock Abby was exhausted and hungry, she finished helping the librarian and then exited the building. For a moment she thought someone had called out her name, but she didn't stop, she ran down the stone steps and all the way home without looking back.

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