Church, Food, and More Shopping

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Slipping into her multicolor sundress that was at least two sizes too big for her, Abby looked under her bed for her pink gym shoes. The only clean socks she had did not match, but she had to make do with what she had. She pulled her hair back in a pony tail and wore her red glasses.

When Abby looked in the mirror, she was content with her appearance, and she grabbed her yellow purse and ran down the stairs to feed Cucci before she left for church.

Abby loved to go to church on Sundays, it was the only place that she could go and not get judged by her appearance, because everyone was too busy worshipping God to care about what she wore.

It was a short walk, just three blocks away, but Abby made haste because she was already fifteen minutes late. The church was crowded, with only a few seats open. After lighting a candle, Abby went and sat down in one of the two seats available.

The liturgy was long, but Abby didn't care, she found peace in the church and loved coming here every Sunday. Closing her eyes, Abby listened the beautiful  words of love and her mind relaxed.

"Hey beautiful." Someone whispered in Abby's ear.

Abby opened her eyes and saw Jeff's emerald eyes staring down at her. "You're here, I hadn't seen you." She whispered back, and scooted over for Jeff to seat next to her.

"I was sitting on the other side with my family." He took her hands in his, "come to lunch with me and my family after church."

"You're not mad at me?"

"I am, but I can never stay mad at you for long." He smiled and showed off his pearly white teeth. "So you'll come?

"That sounds great," she answered, "I'd love too!"


The restaurant was jammed pack, and they had to wait half an hour until they were seated. Jeff's family was delighted that she had joined them and throughout the entire meal, they were gracious and kind.

He's the guy for you Abby, he loves and respects you and will treat you good, not to mention the fact that he is drop dead gorgeous!

Abby ignored the little voice in her head and focused on her meal, but images of Steven were haunting her. His deep blue eyes, that peered into her soul whenever he spoke to her. Those gorgeous eyes that sent shivers of electricity up and down her spine. His deep masculine voice that melted her heart and made her weak in the knees,

And the mean words that he throws your way, not to mention all the girls he has slept with, he is conceited and not worth your time!

"Abby are you alright?" There was concern laced in Jeff's voice.

Snapping out of her deep thoughts, Abby's eyes shifted around the table. Jeff's little sister and brother, and his mother and father were all staring at her.

"Are you alright dear?" Mrs. Drake asked warmly, "you seem a little tired."

"I'm fine," Abby quickly responded, cheeks flaming red from embarrassment, "I think I had a little too much to eat."

"She's having a food coma!" Jeff's little bother laughed.

"Shut up dummy you're making her flush!" His little sister snapped.

"Hey," Jeff interfered, "stop it now!"

There was silence across the table and Abby felt a little uncomfortable, she glared down at her plate wondering why she had agreed to dine with the Drake's.

Noticing how uncomfortable Abby was feeling, Jeff lifted himself to his feet and said, "I'm taking Abby home, I'm sure she needs to rest."

After smiling weakly at Jeff's family and thanking them for the invite, Jeff grabbed her hand and pulled her away. Walking towards the exit of the restaurant, where there was a group of people waiting to be seated, to Abby's horror, she saw Steven's family waiting in the lobby. Quickly scanning the area she did not see Steven anywhere, and Abby let out a sigh of relief which did not go unnoticed by Jeff.

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