Bittersweet Moments

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"What?" Claire was stunned.

"He left!" Anthony said.

"What, why?"

"Jeff." All was Anthony had to say, and Claire understood.

"He's very jealous of her, Jeff is just a friend!" She said, coming to Abby's defense.

"No Claire, they're not just friends, he doesn't see her in that way, he wants to fuck her!"

"No way you're wrong, I mean..."

"I've seen the way he looks at her, and he is always calling her, taking her out and I saw him kiss her one time, believe me he doesn't want her just as a friend!"

Her mind was spinning, Claire thought of all the times she caught them alone together, but she was naive and never suspected anything. She thought of all the times Abby pushed Jeff on her and how Jeff would always look upset when he was stuck taking her out. The reality was that he was in love with Abby, not her, and Abby knew but never told her.

Angry out of her mind that her best friend was seeing Jeff behind her back and had kept secrets from her made her angry as hell. She marched out of her hotel room and walked over to Abby's room across the hall, the door was unlocked and she let herself in. Abby was still on the floor crying hysterically.

"Why did you not tell me that Jeff was in love with you, why would you keep such a secret from me, I thought I was your friend, I thought we were sisters!"

Lifting herself quickly to her feet, Abby wiped her tears. Her heart pounded against her chest, and she was frightened for the first time in her life, "I'm so sorry."

"Why didn't you tell me he loved you!" Claire screamed, "you made a fool out of me!"

"No, no Claire," Abby said desperately, "I didn't tell you because I didn't want to hurt you and I also believed that if he dated you he would fall in love with you because you're a beautiful and loving girl."

Anger was written all over Claire's face and she spat, "some friend you turned out to be, I loved you like a sister!"

"Oh Claire," Abby hugged Claire and wouldn't let her go, "please listen to me, I love you so much! I swear to you there was never anything between Jeff and I, he did tell me that he was in love with me, but I always denied him and steered him your way because I knew you thought yourself in love with him and I wanted you to be happy!"

It took a moment, but Claire finally wrapped her arms around Abby too and they both cried. "Now what are you going to do Abby, Steven left!"

Pulling away from her friend, Abby sat on the bed and wiped her tears away. "I don't know Claire, I'm devastated, I don't understand how it was so easy for him to just get up and leave me."

"It probably wasn't easy for him Abby," Claire reasoned, "but he was very hurt and probably couldn't handle it anymore, would you like me to tell Anthony to cut this vacation short and go back home, I think you need to have a serious talk with Steven."

"Yes that would be a great idea, only that I would hate to cut your vacation short." Abby admitted, "I am so sorry for everything Claire, and I mean everything!"

She cried a rivulet of tears, and if it wasn't for Claire to comfort her the possibility of tormenting herself was not out of the question.

Claire set about to find Anthony and tell him it's time to pack up and leave, the entire situation was bitter sweet for Claire. She had many feelings and thoughts surrounding the entire situation.

She loved Abby like a sister, but was still mad at her for lying to her about Jeff. She still could not understand why Abby would hide the fact that Jeff loved her. There was a sting of pain around her heart, she was falling in love with Anthony, but a small part of her still hadn't gotten over Jeff.

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