Down Town Park Ridge

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"I feel awful Claire!" Abby said, an expression of pain shadowed on her face.

Claire stopped walking and turned to face Abby, "Stop it!" She yelled, "just say thank you!"

Releasing a harsh sigh, Abby said, "Thank you, but I can't accept such an expensive gift!"

"Yes you can," Claire insisted, "you are my friend and I want to buy you a gift, is that a crime?"

"Of course not, it's a very kind and sweet thing to do," Abby responded, "but I don't need your charity, I can never repay you!"

"I wasn't looking for you to repay me, I love you, you are my best friend and I wanted to buy you an early birthday gift!"

"It's too expensive!"

"It's my money and I can spend it any way I choose!" Claire had to find a way for Abby to accept the gift without making her feel embarrassed, "besides I owe you money." She lied, "this is my way of paying you back!"

"You're rich Claire and have your own money, you don't have a need to borrow money from me or anyone!"

"I did borrow from you, you just don't remember," Claire lied again, "just take the damn shoes and wear them with that beautiful gown please!"

A single tear glided down Abby's face, she knew that Claire was lying, but chose not to call her out on it again, instead she thanked her for the lovely gift and tucked the bag with the stilettos in them under her armpit.

"Come on I'll treat you to a nice dinner," Abby said, and grabbed Claire's arm and pulled her away from the boutique's doorway. "It's the least I can do!"

Claire knew that Abby didn't have much money and she wasn't about to let her friend spend her last dollars on her. "I'm not hungry, but if you want to treat me to an ice cream I wouldn't say no."

"Alright then, ice cream it is!" Abby agreed, and smiled at her best friend who had a heart of gold.


Steven was pacing back and forth in his room, hating himself for allowing something as stupid as this to annoy and anger him, he continued to pace back and forth leaving fuzzy trail marks on the carpeting.

Images of Jeff holding Abby's hand turned his stomach to knots, and images of killing the bastard filled his mind.

Why? An inner voice laughed, she's not your girlfriend, what do you care who holds her hand? You need to keep reminding yourself that she is the clown girl, not fit to be your girlfriend, stop thinking of her as such!

"I don't think of her as girlfriend material!" He yelled out loud, frustrated at himself and his thoughts for being so confused.

Then why are you yelling? Look at the pathetic person you have become, are you man or mouse? Call Carol and go Fuck her brains out!

Steven grabbed his iPhone off his bed to call Carol and prove to himself that the clown girl meant nothing to him.

"Hello?" A sweet voice said on the other end of the line.

"Be ready I'll pick you up in ten minutes!" He said gruffly, then ended the call and smiled to himself, satisfied that he was his old self again.

The drive to Carol's house was a short one, she was already outside waiting for him with a huge smile on her face. Steven was already regretting his decision to spend time with Carol.

"Fuck it!" He swore and slammed his palm against the steering wheel.

"Is something wrong Steven?" Carol asked, as she slid onto the passenger side and closed the car door.

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