Anthony and Claire

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After school Steven was outside in the parking lot smoking a cigarette with Anthony. When he caught sight of Abby and Claire coming towards them he immediately threw his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it.

"She's so beautiful." Steven said.

"Yes she is that's why I want to date her!"

"I was talking about Abby," Steven said, his eyes still glued to Abby, "but yes Claire is beautiful too."

When the girls walked up to them, Anthony suddenly became shy and he was lost for words. Steven stared at his friend with surprise, and knew that instant that Anthony will fall in love with Claire. His friend never acted this way before in front of a girl, he was full of confidence and arrogance when it came to girls, but now it seemed like the opposite. Steven wanted to laugh his heart out. But for the fact that he pitied his friend.

Taking Abby's hand, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly on the mouth. Abby melted against him. It was only when Anthony cleared his throat on purpose that Abby pulled away from Steven.

"Anthony this is Abby's best friend Claire." Steven introduced them, "Claire, this is my best friend Anthony!"

"Hello," Anthony said in a sexy voice that made Claire weak in the knees, "can I treat you to a latte at the cafe, I would love to have a talk with you and get to know you."

Steven smiled and his adorable dimples appeared, he was glad his friend was back to his good old self. "Come on hop in my car, I'll drive."

Ten minutes later they were at Cafe Premier, and Anthony held the glass door open for everyone and then followed in after them. "Go find a table I'll get the lattes." Anthony said.

They found a table in the back and sat down, Steven turned to face Claire, "My boy is smitten with you, he won't hurt you Claire, I'll make sure of that. Give him a chance and I guarantee you that you two will become the best hot couple in the school."

"Are you sure he won't hurt my friend?" Abby asked, "because I will be super mad if he so much as...."

"Stop it Abby, Anthony is one of the best guys that I know," Steven assured her, "she will be in good hands with him."

"But he does have a bad reputation." Claire couldn't help but add.

"Yes he does, but I've known him forever and I have never seen him act the way he does around you before, he is head over heels!" Steven admitted, "I don't think this time around he will mess things up."

"What about you Claire," Abby was worried, "I know you still have feelings for Jeff, so how will you handle this?"

"I'm not sure, I must have been infatuated with Jeff, because the idea of dating Anthony really makes me excited." Claire explained, "Jeff never really did anything for me to get attached to him, he kept me at arms length and I never felt cherished."

"Jerk!" Steven said.

"He's not a jerk," Abby quickly came to Jeff's defense, "maybe he has other things on his mind."

"Well I don't want to waste my time waiting around to see if he will ever want me." Claire said, so I'm going to move on and give Anthony my time!"

"Really?" Anthony said, there was a wide smile on his face, as he placed the lattes in front of everyone and then took a seat next to Claire. "Thank you."

Claire blushed and lowered her gaze to her latte.

"Why don't you two come with us to the Dells," Steven asked, "you can get to know each other better and I promise you we will have a blast!"

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