Do You Love Me?

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Deeply effected by the days event, Steven drove home with many pondering thoughts on his mind. He had never felt this way before about a girl, and so there were many feelings involved, and although love was the greatest feeling in the world, Steven found that it was also painful and confusing.

There were many issues that he had to deal with, one being Jeff, he was the pain up his ass and he was going to fix the problem before it got worse, the other problem was sex. It was getting harder and harder to control himself around Abby. Just looking at her made him want to fuck her brains out.

He couldn't believe his self control around her. He had never had the strength to stop himself the last possible second before. He wanted to love her with all his being, he wanted protect her from harm, he wanted to be the reason there was a smile on her face. He loved her so much that it hurt, she made him into a better man. The look of love that he seen in her eyes when he kissed her before he left made his heart skip a beat.

Be careful boy, you don't want to lose yourself for a woman. You are Steven, always remember who you are!

Steven sighed, as he pulled into the driveway and parked his car. His father was mowing the lawn and Steven jumped out of his car and walked over to his father.

Mr. Colber stopped mowing the lawn when he saw his son and turned off the machine. "Where are you coming from?" He asked.

"I went for a ride," Steven replied, and motioned for his father to step away, "I'll finish this."

His father let go of the lawn mower and took a step back. Surprised that his son wanted to mow the lawn, that would be a first, he thought, as he watched Steven start the motor and cut the grass.

Mrs. Colber came running outside, her eyes opened wide at the site of Steven mowing the lawn and she looked at her husband quizzically. Mr. Colber shrugged his shoulders and then they both went inside.

Steven finished the lawn in front of the house and then headed to the back yard. He was done in no time and he emptied the bag in the garbage and placed the lawn mower back in the garage.

"That's a first," Jacob who had just strolled into the back yard laughed, "who are you, and where have the aliens taken my friend?"

Steven grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge that was in the garage and Jacob raised an eye brow, "No beer today, ok who are you really?"

They both sat down and Steven swallowed some water and rested the plastic bottle on the table, "Where you headed to?" Steven asked him.

"No where," I was on my way home and thought to stop for a visit," Jacob explained, "I want to hear all the gossip about you and Abby."

"What gossip."

"Well words going around town that you dumped Carol and are now dating Abby," Jacob answered, "they also said that you banged her, is that true?"

Steven shook his head, "I respect her too much to bang her!" He said, "she is different from all the other girls I've known. Abby doesn't sleep around and she sure as hell would never let me bang her!"

"You'll get bored of her," Jacob assured him, "I know you well and if she doesn't give it up you will dump her."

"It's not like that with her Jacob," Steven said, "I love her, I don't need to bang her to be around her, I can wait patiently until she is ready."

"And what if she is never ready." Jacob teased.

"I will not touch her until she is ready!" Steven's voice held a hint of anger in it, "what don't you understand when I tell you that I love her?"

Bold, Breathless LoveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα