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The bleachers were full, and there was excitement in the air, as the drums rolled and the dedicated and enthusiastic athletic Cheerleaders shook their booties, and their Pom poms to promote school spirit and sportsmanship on the grounds of Main South High School right before the football game started.

Abby who sat all the way at the top of the bleachers with Claire searched for Steven down below in the field. When she saw him, number 27, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. He looked so handsome in his football attire, strong, powerful, and extremely masculine.

Then she searched for Jeff, Abby's eyes soften when she found him on the other side of the field talking to the coach. He was also a sight to behold, she stole a quick look at Claire and saw that her eyes were glued on him. Poor Claire, she thought, such a beautiful girl inside and out who loved Jeff to pieces, but was not loved back in return. Guilt consumed her, for even though it wasn't her fault that Jeff loved her and not Claire, she still felt guilty.

"We're going to win this game I just know it!" Claire declared, "Steven and Jeff will no doubt win us the title of the best football team in Illinois!"

Smiling, Abby nodded her head, but her eyes searched for Steven again. When she found him, her heart melted, he was staring right at her. She smiled and waved just as the the announcer gave his speech that the game was about to begin.

The cheerleaders finished their dance and song and walked away. Both Carol and Christina were cheerleaders and Abby couldn't help but feel a little jealous that they were down there near her boyfriend and she was up on the bleachers.


Excitement was brewing on the field, as all the football players took their positions. Steven's eyes were on Abby to make sure that neither Christina nor Carol were near her to give her a hard time.

He couldn't wait for this week to be over so he could go away with her to Lake Geneva. He was debating if he should make love to her while in Wisconsin, and this was weighing heavily on his mind. He desperately wanted to make her his body and soul, in fact, he dreamed about it day and night, but he didn't think she was ready and Steven felt that if he stripped her of her virginity too soon, it might effect her in a negative way and one day she might hold that against him.

He loved her too much to put her in that position, and he could wait, as long as they did other things in bed to compensate for that. He knew Abby didn't understand how deeply he cared and loved her, and it was better this way because had she known the depth of his love for her it might frighten her.

He had never cared about anyone to this degree before now, and it even came to a total surprise to him that he was capable of loving someone more than he loved himself. She was his life now and nothing mattered to him, but her happiness.

"Steven!" The coach yelled, "focus!"

When the coach called out his name, Steven switched his attention back to the game.


Throughout the first quarter of the game people were cheering loudly for their team, and Main South had already scored two touchdowns and were in the lead, thanks to Steven and Jeff who where the fastest and most talented football players Main South has ever had.

From the bleachers, Abby and Claire watched and cheered relentlessly for their team and their men. "I think first quarter is almost done, let's go get a soft drink and some popcorn." Claire said.

"I will go and get the drinks and food," Abby wanted to treat Claire because her friend always treated and Abby didn't like that. "I will get us each popcorn, and cokes, and would you like a hot dog also?"

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