A River of Tears

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After showering, Abby dried herself and then wore her undergarments. She had bought herself last year from Victoria secret when she had worked during that summer a few bra's and matching underwear, which she saved for a special occasion. Today for the dance she wore the ivory one that was all Italian laced and it's matching bra was also just as beautiful.

She then reached in the drawer and took out her hair blower and used a comb to dry and style her hair. Today would be the first time in many years that she would let her long lengthened, black hair cascade down to her waist.

When Abby put the hair dryer down, she reached for her red glasses that were on the counter, but stopped herself, today, she thought, she would not wear those ugly things, she didn't really need them, she used them just to cover up her eyes.

Her mother had once warned her a long time ago that her sapphire eyes would one day hypnotize the men around her and she would be in deep trouble. Growing up, she had taken that to heart especially when her father was around and she had convinced herself to wear the ugly red glasses to keep the boys at bay, but today was different.

Claire had made her promise not to wear her glasses and to let her hair loose. Abby was not comfortable with the idea, but Claire would not stop nagging her until she promised.

She stared at herself in the mirror for a long time, her neck was slender, her breasts were firm and round, and her waist was tiny. She had soft curves, her hips and rump were slender and toned. She was not tall, she was slim and petite, but the loose clothes she wore at school gave off the impression that she was slightly over weight.

Abby was afraid of Steven's reaction when he sees her at the dance, would he reject her? Abby didn't find herself to be beautiful, or even attractive in the sense of the word, she never looked in the mirror at herself, because there was not a vein bone in her body.

When she walked into her bedroom and took the gown out of the closet, Abby slipped into it and the silver, silky material glided over body clinging to her every curve. She wore cubic zirconia studs on her ears and a matching bracelet on her wrist.

The night before she painted the nails on her hands and feet the color bright red. When she wore her silver stilettos, and walked in front of the mirror to see what she looked like, a stranger stared back at her from the other side.

She looked unrecognizable, and was not happy with the results. What if the entire school laughed at her? What if they called her the clown girl? What if Steven ignored her existence, then what?

When her iPhone rang, she pulled herself out of her misery and answered it, "Hello?"

"We're on our way Abby," Claire said excitedly, "I hope you're dressed and ready!"

"Yes, yes I'm ready," Abby admitted nervously, "but I'm having second thoughts Claire!"

"Nonsense," Claire told her, "stop with the negative and concentrate on the positive."

Ten minutes later Abby walked down the staircase just as her mother answered the front door. Claire stepped into the house first looking stunning in her pink gown. Abby smiled when she saw her friend looking so beautiful, she admired the way Claire stood so regal, and fine, just like a Princess Abby thought.

Then Jeff walked in behind Claire and Abby was surprised. She had never seen Jeff in a suit before. He was absolutely gorgeous, and by the looks of it he knew it too.

Jeff's jaw dropped when his eyes took in the beauty before him. It was a good thing he was standing behind Claire and she didn't notice the look on his face. When Jeff was about to open his mouth, Abby shook her head slightly, not wanting him to say anything that might hurt Claire. He got the hint and closed his mouth, but his eyes told the truth, he was in love with Abby and only a fool would not see that.

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