Chapter 3

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I woke up in the middle of the dank, musty room. My room, in the complex. It's different than I remember it being. Older.

I heard a noise, coming from the door. I turned and saw a man standing there - he looked a bit like Eli, but younger.

"You shouldn't be here," he said. His British voice echoed robotically.

I looked at him, confused. "I thought they wanted me to be in here."

"No," he said, "You're not supposed to be here!"

Suddenly, his right eye started to glow an ominous red. He held out his hand towards me, and it expanded into some kind of gravity-gun type thing. A beam of blue energy then shot from his hand and hit me square in the chest.

I was knocked against the wall from that blow. I tried to move, but I was in immense pain. I could see black dots swimming around the edge of my vision. But just before I blacked out, I saw the face of my attacker.

The right side of his face was made of a metal material, making him look like a cyborg, which he probably was.

But the other side of his face revealed none other than Laff.

I shot up in my bed, screaming. After looking around, making sure I was still in my room, I curled up into a ball on the bed. I heard the door open, and I heard someone, probably Socks, walk over to where I lay curled up on the bed.

"You okay?" Socks asked softly. I gave him a whimper in reply. He put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "Don't worry. I'm here."

I slowly stood up and leaned onto Socks - which was a bit awkward, since I'm about a foot taller than him - and started silently crying into his shoulder.

He gave me a comforting pat on the back, "It'll be okay, Blaza. You'll be okay."

But somehow I knew it wouldn't be.


I'm done speed-publishing now :) lol

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