Chapter 4

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TW: Slight gore/blood description


"So, where are we going?"

Nadwe sat in the backseat, looking at me curiously. Next to him was Muffin, and Laff was sitting in the passenger seat next to me.

"To Sock's and Blaza's house," I replied, "I wanna make sure they're fine - they left in a bit of a rush yesterday."

As we pulled into the driveway, I could immediately tell something was off. It was as if a silent aura had veiled the entire house.

I got out of the car, the others following, and I knocked on the door. I thought I heard something crashing in the house as I knocked, but I could be imagining things.

I opened the door slowly. It was too silent for this to be Socks and Blaza's house, even though I knew it was theirs. They were always joking around with each other, or playing video games, sometimes watching anime.

"Socks? Blaza?" I called out. No answer. I called out again. No answer again.

"Maybe they left to go somewhere?" Nadwe said.

"No, their car is still here," Laff replied.

I continued walking through the quiet house. I saw a broken lamp in the living room, probably what I heard crash. But what made it fall?

Suddenly, I thought I heard a small sound, coming from Blaza's room. It sounded like... whimpering, or crying. Something along those lines. Punctuating the sound every now and then were growls and snarls, like a very mean dog.

I gave the door a light knock. Whoever was in there stopped making noises for a second. Panicked breathing replaced it, accompanied by a lot of thumping.

I slowly opened the door and looked through. I immediately wished I hadn't.

In the room, there was a dead body. His throat seemed to have been clawed halfway out. A knife protruded from his chest, and multiple stab wounds showed on his arms.

And that body belonged to none other that Socks.

I stared at him in horror for a moment. Who or what would do this?

Suddenly, I heard something breathing. The sound was coming from under the bed. I slowly knelt down to peer under Blaza's bed. A vibrant red glow showed from the back, shaped like an X. Its glow illuminated the rest of under the bed, as well as the thing the glow was coming from.

But I could only catch a glimpse before it launched itself at me.

A black tentacle thrusted towards me and pinned me to the wall. As the figure stood up, I noticed he looked familiar. His hoodie, although tattered in some places, resembled Blaza's orange bear hoodie he always wore. His blond hair also looked identical to Blaza's.

This... this is Blaza...

Blaza gave a menacing growl, looking at me strait in the eyes. I noticed one of his eyes was a glowing red X, instead of its normal blue pupil. He pulled the knife out of Sock's nearby body and twirled it around in his hand, the blood on it still fresh.

"Looks like your next," he said in a voice that did not sound like his own. But as he raised the knife to go for the kill, someone busted into the room.


"STAND DOWN!" he yelled at Blaza. He pulled something from his lab coat and held it up threateningly. A taser. He switched it on with a spark.

Blaza's expression went from anger to fear. He dropped me on the ground and backed away, not taking his eyes off Laff.

"Laff!" I heard Muffin call from the other room.

"Is something wrong?" Nadwe said.

"Stay in there, guys!" Laff called back, "It's gonna be fine!"

At this distraction. Blaza took his chance. He lunged at Laff, tackling him to the ground. The taser Laff held was knocked towards me.

Blaza growled at Laff. "I knew you couldn't be trusted as soon as I laid eyes on you," Blaza said, "No one related to Eli could ever be good, especially the son he was training to 'control' me."

Something told me that Blaza knew Laff a lot better than he had let on about.

"Meme!" Laff said, "Grab the taser!"

Blaza snapped his head over to me. I quickly reached my hand to where Laff's taser lay. Blaza snarled and lunged for me. I fumbled with the taser for two seconds before finally switching it on. Blaza yelped in fear, and backed away. Then, something in his eyes changed. One eye was still an X, but it shone a soft, light blue instead of a furious red.

"M-M-Meme?" Blaza stuttered, "P-please put t-that d-d-down."

I switched the taser off and placed it on the ground. Blaza sighed in relief.

"So, would youse like to explain what happened here, Blaza?" Laff said, "Or should I say, B-1424?"

"What?" I said, "B-1424? What's that, some kind of code?"

"No," Blaza said, "It's... my real name. Subject B-1424."

"Subject?" I questioned, "Like, as an experiment?"

"Yes," Blaza said, looking away.

Of course, that was when Nadwe and Muffin decided to walk in.

"Alright, what's going-" Nadwe stopped in his tracks as he saw Blaza. Muffin backed away into the other room.


"Calm down, Nadwe!" I said. Blaza was covering his ears, as if Nadwe had just screamed in his ear instead of at him from across the room.


"Oh," Nadwe said, "Sorry!"

"So," I continued, looking at Blaza, "I presume you and Laff know each other better than you were letting on."

Blaza nodded.

"And how?" I asked.

"He's the son of the guy that was in charge of me. I met him ten years ago, the day I escaped captivity," Blaza said, "And that guy hated me with every fiber of his being."

"I'm assuming that's 'Eli?'" I said, recalling what Blaza had said to Laff when he tackled him.

"Yes," Blaza said, flinching at the name, "Also the reason I'm afraid of lightning... and tasers... and anything related to visible electricity. I get major PTSD about it."

"Speaking of tasers," I continued, turning to Laff, "How did you get one and why do you have it with you?"

"My father gave it to me in case I ran into B-1424 again," Laff said, "Never thought I would have to use it."

Blaza growled. "Do. Not. Call. Me. That."

"Why not?" Laff replied, "That's your name."

"My name is Blaza," Blaza snarled.

"Alright, chill!" I cut in, "We don't want anything bad happening!"

"I wouldn't mind it if something bad happened to him," Blaza muttered.

"'Ay!" Laff said.

"Shut up, guys!" I exclaimed, "We need to talk through this without arguing. Blaza, does anyone know about this?"

Blaza looked away. "Socks did," he said, "And Tbh."



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