Chapter 11

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(Muffin PoV)

I sat alone in the small containment unit, not even a window to look out of in the dark place. They say containment unit, but only to cover up the fact that it's a prison.

It's been a week or so since Laff brought us here, and I've seen no sign of Blaza, Nadwe, or any of the others. Just me, the prison cell, and the one guard that comes with food every so often. I've been talking to myself a lot, and I wonder if this is what going insane feels like.

Today was different, however. Today, Eli came with two guards.

"Hello... what's your name again?" He questioned.

"Muffin..." I said.

"Hm. Strange name," Eli muttered, "Anyways, today is your lucky day. I'm taking you to see your little friend."

I stood up quickly. "Nadwe?"

Eli nodded. "Walk with us, and there won't have to be trouble."

I nodded, and let the two guards walk on either side of me as Eli led me down the hall.

After a little bit, we came up on a darker containment unit with a layer of bulletproof glass at the front. Eli swiped a card on a panel to the side, and a small door opened up. The guards shoved me inside, and Eli closed the door.

I looked around, confused. Where was he? Did Eli just tell me that to get me to go willingly?

Suddenly, I heard a small hiss at the back to the room. I turned and saw Nadwe standing in the darkest reaches of the room, his back to me.

"Nadwe!" I exclaimed, "Are you okay?"

I wanted to run forward, but something told me to stay away. He gave of some sort of aura, telling me to stay away.

"You wanted to see your friend," Eli said from the other side of the glass, "Here he is."

As if on command, Nadwe turned around, and I gasped.

His usually bright blue eyes gleamed ruby red in the dark, looking bloodshot from thirst. I noticed for the first time two black, scaly, bat like wings sprouted from his back. His hands ended as deadly-looking claws. He was also really pale - don't know if it's from being in the dark for so long or what.

"Say hello to Nadwe," Eli chuckled, "Or, should I say, N-4DW3."

Nadwe hissed, showing that he also had fangs.

Eli started to walk away, but turned around at the last second. "And one thing to know. We haven't fed him in a couple of days, and he's... quite thirsty, may I say."

Nadwe crept closer to me, fangs bared. I stepped backwards.

"Nadwe...?" I whispered.

Nadwe growled, and lunged at me. He knocked me to the ground, and my head hit the floor hard. My ears were ringing, my head pounding. Nadwe sank his fangs into my neck, and I wanted to scream, but I couldn't find the energy. Breathing was near impossible, it hurt to think.

I saw black spots swim in front of my eyes, and I felt my life ebbing away.

"Nad..." I whimpered, flinching as I did, "please... it's me..."

Nadwe stood up and looked down at me, blood dribbling from his mouth. He tilted his head as to get a better look at me. He smiled.

"Thank you," he said, his voice raspy, "For your life."

He grabbed my neck and lifted me up, looking me in the eye. Nadwe gave me one last, bloodthirsty look before ramming my head into the wall.

I felt my skull cave into my brain, and I blacked out.

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