Chapter Six~ Bloody Nights, Bloody Noses

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・゚: *・゚:* 💎 *:・゚*:・゚

As they arrived, Kareena was about to step out of the car when she had realized she had yet to put her shoes on.

Looking to her side, she saw the heels atop the seat next to her, the place she had thrown them when she was pushed into the car.

Hesitating for a moment, she cautiously took the black heels and slipped them onto her feet.

Feeling at ease, she let out the cool air that filled her lungs. Smiling happily, it dawned on her that most of the anxious feelings she had were just in her head. With that thought in her mind, she began to feel better.

The feeling quickly ended.

The moment her heels hit the concrete, she instantly fell to her feet on the uneven rocky parking lot road.

Pushing herself off the ground, as quickly as she could, she dusted off the dirt on her hands, legs, and dress.

Okay, bad start, seems like the first red flag of the night... but I can hold out. She thought sternly to herself, clenching her fists at her side. Determined

Taking another step, her feet shook in the shoes she was forced to wear. Clenching her eyes shut, prepared to have her face meet the ground once again, she was surprised when it never came. Instead, an arm snaked around her waist, promoting a feeling of safety. Opening her eyes, she saw Aidan at her side, his arm steadying her with every shaky step she took.

"Careful." He told her as he felt her grip tightly to his shoulder.

"Thank you," she whispered as he guided her to the Rose Banquet Hall.

Making their way to the heavily guarded front door, Zion gave the man their names. He eyed them up and down before scoffing and giving them a grunt, which they took as an invitation to go in.

Walking in, Kareena felt all these eyes on her and immediately felt uneasy, shrinking between the two boys in dark colours on each side of her while she stood out in a bright ruby red sparkly dress.

Sensing her discomfort, Zion turned to her with a bright look in his eyes. "Don't let your fears make you think that you have something to be intimidated by here."

Gulping, she nervously smiled. Looking around, she saw the women in ball gowns with diamonds draping off their necks. They were trying to make an impression by showing off their wealth. Men made their rounds as they pulled out their high-class watches and the latest in cellphone technology. Bragging about their jobs, trips, partners, even affairs. Each one trying to make a lasting impression to outshine the other.

The more Kareena glanced around at the people sucking up to everyone around her, the more she began understanding. Watching her, Zion nudged her side, asking if she was all right.

"Hm?" She hummed a response before realizing what he had said "Oh, yeah, no worries" she gave her friend a half-smile, nodding.

The closer they went over to the staircase the louder the upbeat music and party chatter got.

About to go down the marble staircase, Zion lightly caught hold of her shoulder. Looking directly into the honey eyes of his altruistic friend. "Please don't let anything any of these people say affect you. I promise, in a few minutes they'll forget about you." He told her.

"Okay, I'll try my best!" She said beaming with a bright smile, determined to make it through the night.

"Okay, but I will be taking your phone as collateral," Zion said, leaving his palm out for her to put her phone

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