Chapter Sixteen~ Let's get This Party Started

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Jin got up to leave when he saw a few bills on the table. It took him a moment to realize Kareena had left them to pay for her food.

This woman does not like things to be handed to her, he groaned as he swiped the bills off the table and left.

When he walked out, he saw none other than Minho standing still watching someone. When he followed his eyes, he noticed Kareena, talking to a potted plant.

I honestly wish I could say I was surprised. Jin thought. Upon further sight of her actions, he saw that she was talking with a group that consisted of three others. By the way, she spoke to them and how her face saddened, it's clear to him her friends were watching from the corner.

They weren't close enough to hear their conversation, but they were getting out-of-context snippets. But one sentence came out clear as day.

"How exactly can I be mad at you? I'm living in your apartment." Followed after was her sweet giggle.

She's living with him?! They both thought as they looked at the tight-knit group of friends.

It wasn't long before they walked off, and the boys were left to go their separate ways.

As Jin left the shop, clutching the bills in his hand, he walked into the convenience shop next door.

Grabbing a pink and purple toy necklace with a heart locket, he paid with the bills in his hand and walked out.

Throughout the day, Kareena and her friends had made a plan, one Kareena was not fond of but had to do.

After they went shopping-which was Kareena's important after-work task-she flopped onto the bed, dropping her bags at her side. "Okay, I have officially shopped till I dropped,"

"Yes, but on the bright side of the pain, we found you the perfect dress," Nastasia said, laying down next to her, on her side.

Kareena flipped over to face her friend, "I don't want to go tomorrow. I'm afraid, what if she doesn't forgive me?"

"Kari, you and your sister have an incredible relationship. It is clear she loves you, I'm sure she'll forgive you... eventually." She added, in case she was wrong. Kareena laughed.

"I wish you could come with me, I don't want to go alone..." she frowned.

"Darling, I think this is something you have to do alone. Though I would love to see both of those very hot men again, I also heard about what happened the other time you three were at a party together." Nastasia said.

Hearing her talk about the two made Kareena jolt awake. Shooting up, shaking Nastasia in the process, she remembered. "Did you hear that Minho had a fiancé or was it just me?"

Nastasia sat up as well, when she searched her mind for an answer, something occurred to her. "Who is Minho?"

"He's Jin's brother."

Nastasia instinctively nodded her head. "Right. Right. And which one is Jin?"

Kareena couldn't help but laugh as she found a simpler way to explain. "The two hot guys I was with earlier."

"Ah, right." Nastasia finally understood. Kareena went on to explain the entire story, realizing now that her friend seemed to be out of the loop.

When the explanation was finally over, Nastasia went back to the question that had initially started the conversation. "I did hear Jin shout something about a fiancé. Although, the one that is fond of you seems a bit young to be getting married."

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