Chapter Twenty-Nine~ Pretty in Pink

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 💎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

It was Friday. A little more than a week had passed since the carnival. The rumours of Oliver and Kareena fizzled, but their friendship continued to grow. They talked casually, studied more often, and even ate lunch together with all their friends, Aidan included.

It was early in the afternoon, the office was closing early. It was the day of the Van Huesen's party and the return of Seo Park.

After locking Jin's office door with the key around her wrist, Kareena looked around the empty office floor. No one was here, everyone important was getting ready for the party, everyone else was given the time off.

Going behind her desk and bending down to the floor, Kareena grabbed her pink tote bag, it was underneath her desk.

When she popped up, she let out a gasp when she was face-to-face with Mai. "Oh, Mrs. Park, you scared me." Kareena put a hand over her chest to calm the rapid beating. "I wasn't expecting you this late?"

"I wasn't expecting you here this late either. Jin told me you asked him if you could stay here and file before locking up?" She asked, wondering if her son was telling the truth.

"Yes, I was. Forgive me, aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the party tonight?" She inquired. Giving her a once over, Kareena noticed Mai's hair was blown out and her makeup was done elegantly, all she needed was a dress.

"I am. I've come to get you as well." She announced casually in the sentence as if it wasn't news to her.

"What? Me?" She said, subconsciously pointing to herself. Mai giggled at the girl's look of shock and innocence.

"Didn't Jin tell you? He was supposed to." She prompted, wondering if she didn't know. Kareena aggressively shook her head before steadying herself. "You were asked to be at the party per a guest's special request." She truthfully explained.

Kareena was skeptical for a brief moment. Mai hadn't pulled any tricks since the last time they had spoken on Jin's birthday. From then, Mai had only ever spoken briefly to her. The tone was still sickeningly sweet, but the conversation was pleasant. Kareena had no reason to suspect a malicious act behind the conversation.

Unfortunately, it isn't always good to be naive and optimistic.

"Come along, you can get ready at our place and we can all go together." She reached out to grab her hand, but Kareena stepped back.

"Um, I'll be there, but I prefer to get ready at my place and meet you there." She nervously shifted her weight from side to side, a common nervous reaction.

"Okay!" Mai's answer was bright and happy, almost as if she didn't mind. Lucky for her, she came prepared. "I thought you might say that." She grinned. She picked up a big white gift bag with a luxurious brand name written across it.

"I bought you a dress- that I hope is in your size, as well as shoes and some accessories." After pushing the bags in her arms, Mai walked off with a wave of her hand.

"I'll see you tonight, dear."

"Yeah... I'll see you tonight..." Kareena muttered to the empty office space, the sound of heels clicking on the tiles slowly fading down the hall.

When Aidan picked her up from work, the ride home was mostly silent- the exception of radio music they hummed along to.

"So you're going to the party tonight..." Aidan wanted to ask, but he didn't want to overstep before he knew it, his voice trailed off.

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