Chapter Forty~ Paper Planes, Real Hearts

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It was Tuesday afternoon when Kareena walked through the doors carrying a tray of coffee and a box of baked goods underneath. It was as if she had never left. Looking around, everything had seemed the same. When talking to Jin, he made it seem as if the building was on fire without her.

Distracted by her thoughts, she hadn't seen Sabrina rush up to her. Without a word other than calling out her name. Sabrina wrapped her arms around Kareena. "Oh my god, Kari! I missed you so much, are you coming back? Did Jin grovel at your feet? He left early on Monday, I assume it was to beg you to come back." Sabrina asked all of her questions in one quick breath, squeezing the life out of the girl in her arms as she did so.

When all Kareena did was let out a groan, Sabrina realized she was holding onto her too tight. When arms dropped from around her, Kareena felt air return to her lungs and blood begin to recirculate. "To answer all your questions, yes, I'm back. No, Jin didn't grovel- he did make a list of reasons why he needed me back."

"Sounds like his version of grovelling," Sabrina interjected.

"I missed you too, Sabrina." She smiled, handing her favourite employee her coffee. "I hope you didn't have any coffee yet."

"Three cups, but hey, what's one more?" She smirked, opening the flap of the lid to chug her latte, waving goodbye as Kareena entered the elevator.

Closing her eyes and taking deep breaths, she opened them when the doors to the top floor opened. With confident strides, she made her way to Minho's desk.

However, when she got there she didn't see Minho. Instead, she was greeted by Nathan, who smirked upon seeing her. "Hello, Kareena."

Her body shivered when she heard him say her name. Frozen in fear, she had no idea what to do. It wasn't until she heard a voice behind her that she let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't speak to her, don't say her name- as a matter of fact, don't breathe near her." Minho threatened, glaring down at Nathan, who sat in his usual spot.

"Come on, Kari." He said, taking her hand and pulling over to her desk, where Minho had been working for the time being. When they were far enough for Kareena to feel like she could breathe, Minho began talking. "What are you doing here?"

"I work here... again." She added for clarification.

Minho gave her a curious look- not even a day ago, she said she quit. True, he was happy for her, but it did seem a bit suspicious. "Did something happen? Did Jin say something? Did my father say something?"

Kareena shook her head and smiled brightly. "No, nothing like that- well kind of, Jin said something to me, but I had already made up my mind before he said it." She connected her thoughts aloud.

"Did he tell you that Nathan was going to be joining us at work now?" Minho asked, knowing he hadn't, if he did, Kareena wouldn't have come back.

"No... he left that part out, but I think I'll be okay." She replied, catching a glimpse of Nathan in the corner of her eye.

Minho was confused, but the more he thought about Nathan, the angrier he got. "How can you say that? The bastard's sitting at the desk across from yours!" He raged, all eyes in the office now on him.

"That's okay. You wanna know why?" She asked but didn't wait for a reply. Instead, she grabbed his hands and continued, "it's 'cause I won't be paying attention to him. When I look over there, I'm looking for you... only. So, he can laugh and make jokes, and do whatever the heck he wants, I don't care- because I have you."

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